「shake things up」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「shake things up」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】


「Who will shake things up in Washington, DonaldTrump or Hillary Clinton?」

この「Shake things up」とは何でしょうか?


「shake things up」の意味と例文

「shake things up」とは、状況や組織、システムなどに変更を加えたり、導入したりして、物事をより興味深くしたり、パフォーマンスを向上させることを意味します。


The fashion industry is always looking for ways to shake things up and set new trends.

We expect the new management team to shake things up by introducing new ideas and strategies to improve the company’s business performance.

I think it’s time to shake things up and try new activities to make our weekends more exciting.


「shake things up」の類義語

⚫️Reorganize (再編成)
⚫️Rearrange (再配置)
⚫️Restructure (再構築)


Our sales have risen dramatically in the last three or four months, Yumi.

Yes, the numbers are looking better since the sales team was reorganized a couple of months ago.


We’ve rearranged the furniture in our office. It looks nicer!


⚫️shake someone up (感情を揺さぶる)

関連する表現に「shake someone up」があります。


The news of the death of former Prime minister Abe, shook up the entire nation of Japan.

The horror movie shook my daughter up. She didn’t sleep well for several nights.


私の私生活での「shake things up」




「shake things up」というイディオムは、物事をより活動的に、興味深く、または挑戦的にする行為を表すために使われます。そしてこれはしばしば素早く行われます。

いかがでしたか?ここまでお読みいただいた方は、私が冒頭にお話した、2016年のアメリカ人に対する質問「Who will shake things up in Washington, D Trump or H Clinton?」の意味が理解できたのではないでしょうか。







Hello there, I hope you’re all doing well at work, home, school and wherever you’re. In 2016, Americans were asked a question;  “Who will shake things up in Washington, DonaldTrump or Hillary Clinton?”
Well, what is to shake things up?
In a few paragraphs, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this idiom that is used in many aspects of life.


To shake things up means to make  or introduce changes to a situation, organization, system etc, to make things more interesting or improve performance. It’s like vigorously shaking a jar full of different colored jelly beans. The colors will mix up differently after the shaking. This idiom can be used in various aspects of life such as business or work, relationships, personal development and others.


The fashion industry is always looking for ways to shake things up and set new trends. 

We expect the new management team to shake things up by introducing new ideas and strategies to improve the company’s business performance.

I think it’s time to shake things up and try new activities to make our weekends more exciting.

Similar words 

Jane: Our sales have risen dramatically in the last three or four months, Yumi.
Yumi: Yes, the numbers are looking better since the sales team was reorganized a couple of months ago.

We’ve rearranged the furniture in our office. It looks nicer!

Shake someone up

Another related expression is “shake someone up” which means to disturb, upset or shock someone emotionally or mentally. It often implies shocking or surprising someone in a way that makes them have a strong reaction.
The news of the death of former Prime minister Abe, shook up the entire  nation of Japan.

The horror movie shook my daughter up. She didn’t sleep well for several nights.

 Shaking things up in my personal life:

I wouldn’t say big shake ups in my personal life lately but, I’m helping with the house chores more often than I used to do, I exercise almost everyday and I have been meditating for 10-15 minutes twice a day for about two months. I feel those changes have made my life better.

Overall, the idiom shake things up is used to describe the act of making things more dynamic, interesting or even challenging, often very quickly.
I’m sure now the 2016 question to Americans  “Who will shake things up in Washington, D Trump or H Clinton?” makes sense, doesn’t it?

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