【クリスマスで使える英語】Eat, drink and be merry(食べて飲んで楽しんで)

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【日常英会話】クリスマスで使えるフレーズ - Eat, drink and be merry(食べて飲んで楽しんで)


クリスマスがもうすぐそこまで来ている中 (記事を書いているのは11月)、とても素敵な英語の表現があります。
Eat, drink, and be merry. (食べて、飲んで、楽しんで)」


「Eat, drink and be merry」の意味と由来

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【日常英会話】クリスマスで使えるフレーズ - Eat, drink and be merry(食べて飲んで楽しんで)

Eat, drink, and be merry.」という表現は、他の人たちに楽しんで、気兼ねなく祝うように勧めるためによく使われる陽気な言葉です。


「Eat, drink and be merry」の例文


As we gather around the table for Christmas dinner, let’s eat, drink, and be merry!

Please come to our house for Christmas. Let’s eat, drink and be merry together!

Wishing you a Christmas filled with laughter and good company. Eat, drink, and be merry with your loved ones.

We have worked hard throughout the year, now it’s time to take a rest and eat, drink and be merry with our loved ones.


「Eat, drink and be merry」と類似の表現

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【日常英会話】クリスマスで使えるフレーズ - Eat, drink and be merry(食べて飲んで楽しんで)

「Eat, drink and be merry」のほかにも「make merry ([飲んだり食べたりして] 陽気に騒ぐ)」という表現もときどき使います。
これは「Eat, drink and be merry」ととても似ていて、食べたり、飲んだり、踊ったりして楽しむことを意味します。

This holiday please come to our house to make merry together!

The weekend is here; time to make merry with friends and family!

Don’t worry about work right now; today is a day to make merry!



「Eat, drink and be merry」という表現は、私がクリスマスについて感じることを完璧に表しています。



「Eat, drink and be merry」の意味と使い方について良いアイデアをご紹介できたと思います。
そんな忙しい年の後は、冬休みにゆっくり休み、eat, drink and be merry (食べて、飲んで、楽しんで)!!








The holiday season is upon us, and Hakata station, Tenjin and many other places in Fukuoka are decorated with beautiful Christmas illuminations. With Christmas just around the corner, there is a really nice English expression that in my mind perfectly captures the spirit of celebration: “Eat, drink, and be merry.”  In this blog we are going to delve deeper into its meaning and usage. 

Origin and Meaning

“Eat, drink, and be merry” is a jovial expression often used to encourage others to enjoy themselves and celebrate without reservation. The saying is based on verses from the Bible, and basically means that we should enjoy life as much as possible because it will be over soon. Therefore, it’s ideal for festive occasions, especially during Christmas gatherings, when people come together to share good food, drinks, and joyous moments. 

Example Sentences:

Some common situations where you might hear or use this expression are festive gatherings, toasts or well wishing, parties, etc….

  • – As we gather around the table for Christmas dinner, let’s eat, drink, and be merry!
  • – Please come to our house for Christmas. Let’s eat, drink and be merry together!
  • – Wishing you a Christmas filled with laughter and good company. Eat, drink, and be merry with your loved ones.
  • – We have worked hard throughout the year, now it’s time to take a rest and eat, drink and be merry with our loved ones. 

Similar Expressions – make merry

Another expression we sometimes use is “make merry”. It’s very similar to “Eat, drink, and be merry” as it basically means to have fun and enjoy oneself by eating, drinking, dancing, etc.

  • – This holiday please come to our house to make merry together! 
  • – The weekend is here; time to make merry with friends and family!
  • – Don’t worry about work right now; today is a day to make merry!

Christmas with my Family

Eat, drink and be merry perfectly encapsulates how I feel about Christmas too. I think many of my Japanese students assume that Christmas is a religious holiday but while it may be so for some people, it’s not so for me. It’s a perfect time to spend in the warmth of your home with your family, listening to some Christmas carols, watching some Christmas movies (This is the link to my favourite Xmas movies!), drinking nice drinks, eating nice food and having a good time with the people you love.


There you have it, I hope we gave you a good idea about what  “Eat, drink and be merry” means and how to use it. 2023 was a very busy year for us in Kensington, but it was a good year as I think we improved our school on all accounts. After such a busy year, it’s time to take a rest for the winter holidays and …….. eat, drink and be merry!!


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