【クリスマスで使える英語】「let the cut out of the bag」ってどういう意味?- うっかり秘密をもらす

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【クリスマスで使える英語】「let the cut out of the bag」ってどういう意味?- うっかり秘密をもらす


もし妻や娘たちが荷物を受け取ったら…the cat will be let out of the bag!
「let the cat out the bag」とはどういう意味でしょうか?


「let the cat out of the bag」の意味と起源

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【クリスマスで使える英語】「let the cut out of the bag」ってどういう意味?- うっかり秘密をもらす

「let the cat out of the bag」という表現は、うっかり秘密をもらす、または本来は秘密にしておくべきことを明かしてしまうことを意味します。

もし取引が成立する前に誰かが猫を袋から出してしまうと(let the cat out of the bag)、その詐欺が明らかになってしまいます。


「let the cat out of the bag」を使った例文


Guess what! Sayaka is planning a surprise party for Tom’s birthday next week!

Shh! Don’t let the cat out of the bag! Tom isn’t supposed to know!


父親: We’re taking the kids to Disneyland this Xmas but it’s a surprise. Please don’t let the cat out of the bag, okay?

母親: Of Course I won’t. I want to see their surprised faces when we tell them on Xmas morning!


「let the cat out of the bag」と類似するフレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【クリスマスで使える英語】「let the cut out of the bag」ってどういう意味?- うっかり秘密をもらす

「spill the beans」


I can’t believe you spilled the beans about the surprise party! Now everyone knows.

「blow the whistle」


Mr. Nakamoto blew the whistle on the company’s illegal activities, and now there’s an investigation.


「let the cat out of the bag」に関する私の経験

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【クリスマスで使える英語】「let the cut out of the bag」ってどういう意味?- うっかり秘密をもらす

しかし、ときどき兄姉たちが秘密をもらして (let the cat out the bag)、ボクシングデー前に中身を知ることもありました!



「let the cat out the bag」はいろんな状況で使われ、誰かに秘密を早まってうっかりもらさないように警告または注意するために使われます。

もし妻や娘のどちらかが受け取ったら、彼女たちはクリスマス前に私が何を買ったかを知ってしまうでしょう…そして「the cat will be out of the bag!」








Let the cat out of the bag

In a week or so it will be Christmas 2023, can you believe it! Have you ordered the Xmas presents yet? For me, I have ordered them but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they are delivered when I’m home to receive them. If my wife or one of my daughters receives them…the cat will be let out of the bag!
Let the cat out the bag? That’s what I’ll be explaining in the following few paragraphs… 

Meaning and origin of “Let the cat out of the bag”

The idiom “let the cat out of the bag” means to accidentally reveal a secret or disclose something that was supposed to be kept secret or confidential.
It’s thought that this idiom may have originated in the medieval times when dishonest traders would sometimes replace valuable pigs with less valuable cats and sell them in bags. If someone let the cat out of the bag before the deal was done, the scam would be revealed. 

Usage examples

Friend 1: Guess what! Sayaka is planning a surprise party for Tom’s birthday next week!

Friend 2: Shh! Don’t let the cat out of the bag! Tom isn’t supposed to know!

Dad: We’re taking the kids to Disneyland this Xmas but it’s a surprise. Please don’t let the cat out of the bag, okay?

Mom: Of Course I won’t. I want to see their surprised faces when we tell them on Xmas morning!

Similar expressions to “let the cat out the bag”

“Spill the beans” which means to reveal the truth about something secret or private 

 Example: I can’t believe you spilled the beans about the surprise party! Now everyone knows.

“Blow the whistle” is to tell people publicly about something bad that someone is doing.

 Example: Mr. Nakamoto blew the whistle on the company’s illegal activities, and now there’s an investigation.

Personal experience

When I was a kid in my home country Uganda, we received Xmas presents on Xmas day (December 25th) but we didn’t open them until the next day (December 26th). December 26th is called Boxing Day. The day when people open their Xmas presents in some countries.  So we waited for 24 hours to find out what we’d got. But sometimes our elder brothers and sisters would let the cat out the bag and tell us before Boxing Day!

In Conclusion, the idiom is used in many situations, to caution or warn  someone not to reveal a secret prematurely. That’s why I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the Xmas presents I ordered for my family will be delivered when I’m home, so I can hide them until Xmas morning. If my wife or one of my daughters receive them, they’ll likely know what I’ve bought them for Xmas before Xmas and…the cat will be out of the bag!
Merry Christmas everyone!

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