【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 – 食べすぎる、大食いする

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする


そこで今日は「pig out (食べすぎる、大食いする)」という表現をご紹介します。


「pig out」の意味

【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする

pig out」は大量の食べ物を食べることを意味します。

英語には「pig (豚)」に関連した多くの表現があり、そのいくつかは欲張りであることや食べ過ぎに関連しています。


「pig out」を使った例文

「pig out (on)」の例文をいくつかご紹介します。

I can’t wait for Christmas dinner, I’m going to pig out on the turkey and stuffing!

I really pigged out at dinner today! I’m so full I can’t move.

One of the things I love about eating out in Japan is the buffets and all-you-can-eat menus. There is nothing better than pigging out on all that good food especially if they have all you can drink too!



【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする


【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする



【クリスマスで使える英語】「pig out」 - 食べすぎる、大食いする

先ほどに言ったように、英語には「pig (豚)」に関連する表現がたくさんあり、残念ながら豚にとってはそのほとんどが少しネガティブです。しかし、豚は気にしないでしょう。

greedy as a pig (非常に欲張りな人であること)

My son’s friend Colin is as greedy as a pig. He came to the birthday party and ate all the cookies before anyone could get a chance!
(私の息子の友人のコリンは豚のように欲張りです。彼は誕生日パーティーに来て、誰も手をつける前にクッキーを全部食べてしまった! )

make a pig of oneself(食べ過ぎる)

I feel really bloated today. We went to a dinner party at a friend’s house last night. She’s a really good cook and I made a bit of a pig of myself. I’ll have to hit the gym later

like a pig sty(散らかった/汚れた状態である)

Clean your room! It looks like a pig sty



今日は「pig out」やその類似フレーズをご紹介しました。









Hello there everyone, Monday is here again and Christmas is just around the corner

I don’t know about you but one of the things I love about this time of year is the food so today I will introduce this expression “pig out”


Pig out means to eat a huge amount of food. We also use it with the preposition on when specifying what kind of food we ate.

We have a lot of different expressions connected to pigs in English and some of them are connected to being greedy or eating too much. When I was younger I actually spent a bit of time living on a farm and if you have ever seen pigs eat then you will understand why. 

Here are some examples of how to use pig out (on).

  • I can’t wait for Christmas dinner, I’m going to pig out on the turkey and stuffing!
  • I really pigged out at dinner today! I’m so full I can’t move.
  • One of the things I love about eating out in Japan is the buffets and all-you-can-eat menus. There is nothing better than pigging out on all that good food especially if they have all you can drink too!

Christmas Dinner! 

Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas long long ago. My dad used to really pull out all the stops for Christmas and unfortunately I only got a picture of the meat but believe me there was much much more than this to come. We had roast pork with apple sauce, turkey with cranberry and nut stuffing, roast ham with cheese crust and in the top left corner were his amazing sausage rolls which contained enough butter that they should have come with a health warning. Absolutely delicious. 

Similar Expressions

Like I said earlier there are a lot of expressions connected to pigs in English and unfortunately for pigs most of them are slightly negative although I’m sure the pigs don’t mind.

  • greedy as a pig ( to be a very greedy person)

“My son’s friend Colin is as greedy as a pig. He came to the birthday party and ate all the cookies before anyone could get a chance! “

  • make a pig of oneself (to eat too much)

“I feel really bloated today. We went to a dinner party at a friend’s house last night. She’s a really good cook and I made a bit of a pig of myself. I’ll have to hit the gym later”

  • like a pig sty (to be in a messy/ dirty state)

“Clean your room! It looks like a pig sty”

Wrap Up

So there we have it. If you want to express the fact that you have eaten too much, you can always fall back on the poor old pigs to help you describe it in nice colourful language. 

Hope that comes in handy, 


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