「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? – 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】



今日は「Give 〜 a bell」というフレーズをご紹介します。


「Give me a bell」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

これはシンプルに「Please call me (私に電話してください)」という意味です。

また、なぜ「give me a bell」と言うかというと(30代以上の方はご存知かと思いますが)、昔、電話がもっとシンプルで、家庭用電話が一般的だった時代には、実際にベルのように鳴っていたからです。


「Give 〜 a bell」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

I’d better get home, it’s getting late.

Okay, give us a bell to let me know you got back alright.

I can’t give you an exact date on when I’ll be available but as soon as I know I’ll give you a bell to let you know.

I’ll send you all the information you need by email tomorrow.

Could you give me a bell instead please. My computer is on the blink and I haven’t had time to get it fixed yet

Sure, I’ll call you around midday then.


「Give 〜 a bell」に似た表現

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

「give me a bell」と類似する表現はたくさんあります。下記にいくつかご紹介します。

give 〜 a ring

Safe journey home!

Thanks, I’ll give you a ring when I get home to let you know I got back in one piece.

give 〜 a buzz

Do you feel like a couple of quick drinks?

I can’t at the moment but give me a buzz again in a couple of hours. I should be done by then.

get on the horn

We need to make those reservations quickly! Never mind booking online. Get on the horn and see if you can make them directly!



以上が「Give 〜 a bell」の解説です。とても簡単ですね。








Hello again, it’s time for your weekly dose of lovely British English, so here we go.

Today I will show you this phrase “ Give us a bell” I want to introduce this phrase (and other similar ones) because I have noticed that a lot of my students have some difficulty when talking about simple everyday actions such as making phone calls or doing things around the house.


This simply means “ Please call me” and there are plenty of other versions which I will show you later. The reason we say give me a bell is because (and this is for anyone under 30) a long time ago when phones were much more simple and the home phone was more common they actually used to ring like bells. Of course nowadays they all have digital ringtones but the phrase still holds true..


 “I’d better get home, it’s getting late.”
“Okay, give us a bell to let me know you got back alright.”

“I can’t give you an exact date on when I’ll be available but as soon as I know I’ll give you a bell to let you know.”

“I’ll send you all the information you need by email tomorrow.” 

“Could you give me a bell instead please. My computer is on the blink and I haven’t had time to get it fixed yet” 

“Sure, I’ll call you around midday then.” 

Similar Expressions

There are lots of ways to say “give me a bell” so here are a few. 

give me a ring

“Safe journey home!” 

“Thanks, I’ll give you a ring when I get home to let you know I got back in one piece.” 

give me a buzz

“Do you feel like a couple of quick drinks?” 

“I can’t at the moment but give me a buzz again in a couple of hours. I should be done by then.”

get on the horn

“We need to make those reservations quickly! Never mind booking online. Get on the horn and see if you can make them directly!” 

And that’s it, easy as can be. There are so many different ways to talk about making phone calls and those were just a few. I hope they come in handy. 


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