「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く


今日のブログでは、「wind (風)」に関する言葉で全く異なる意味を持つ、英語のあるイディオムについて解説します。
それでは、今日のテーマ「get wind of」の意味を見てみましょう。


「Get Wind of」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く

get wind of」の基本的な意味は、ニュースやイベントなど何かについて聞くことです。
例えば、あなたが北海道に関するニュースを「get wind of」したら、それは北海道で起こった何かについて知ったことを意味します。

それでは次に、より直接的な言い方と並べて、実際に「get wind of」をどのように使うのかいくつか例を見てみましょう。


「Get Wind of」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く

I got wind of the news in Australia. Did you hear? [直接的な言い方:I heard about some news in Australia. Did you?]

I got wind of your arrival here from my coworker. [直接的な言い方:My coworker told me you arrived.]

He got wind of the news yesterday, so he’s on his way tonight. [直接的な言い方:He heard about the news yesterday, so he’s coming tonight.]

John got wind of the stock market crash, so he sold his assets quickly. [直接的な言い方:John heard some news about the stock market, so he sold his stocks as soon as possible.]



正直なところ、「get wind of」は私の中の語彙にはあまり含まれておらず、滅多に使いません。








To “Get Wind Of” Something

Today’s blog post is about a certain idiom in English which can leave some people a little confused, as it refers to wind but has a totally different meaning. This is common among second language learners where idioms have no direct meaning and are instead implied, so don’t ever feel as if you’re not a strong speaker of English if you don’t know them – you need to learn them directly! So, let’s learn about “get wind of” – what does it mean?

“Get Wind of” – Hearing About Something

The meaning of “get wind of” in its most basic form is essentially to hear about something, such as news, an event, and so on. If you “get wind of” the news from Hokkaido, it means you have learned about something that has happened in Hokkaido. It could be a large amount of information, a very small amount, or a rumor. There’s no specific amount of information that is required to use the phrase, not is there any specific context necessary, so you can apply the phrase in almost any situation. 

Let’s look at some examples of how it works in sentences, alongside more direct language.

Examples and Similarities

“I got wind of the news in Australia. Did you hear?” = “I heard about some news in Australia. Did you?”

“I got wind of your arrival here from my coworker.” = “My coworker told me you arrived.”

“He got wind of the news yesterday, so he’s on his way tonight.” = “He heard about the news yesterday, so he’s coming tonight.”

“John got wind of the stock market crash, so he sold his assets quickly.” = “John heard some news about the stock market, so he sold his stocks as soon as possible.”

Personal Use Cases and Conclusion

“Get wind of” is honestly not something that is common in my own vocabulary, so I rarely use it. However, I’ve heard it used by many different native speakers from various countries, so knowing what it means is definitely practical.

That’s actually part of the process of learning a language. Learning a language never really “ends”, it’s just a continuing process of more and more knowledge gathered over time and more understanding overall. Language, phrases used and slang change over time as culture changes, so “getting wind of” new lingo in the languages you speak and study is very important!

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