「in the good old days」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】- 古き良き時代

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「in the good old days」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】- 古き良き時代


ここに来ていただいたということは、日常会話でよく使われるイディオム「in the good old days」の意味や成り立ち、使い方について調べたいと思っているかと思います。


「in the good old days」の起源

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「in the good old days」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】- 古き良き時代

「in the good old days」という表現は、話し手にとって現在よりも良かったと感じる過去の時代を指します。

「in the good old days」を使った例文

In the good old days, we used to have real friends. Now we have thousands of unknown FaceBook friends.

In the good old days, you could leave your doors unlocked without worrying about anything.

Back in the good old days, we didn’t have smartphones to distract us during family dinners.


「in the good old days」と類似する表現

Back in my day

Back in my day, we used to have long face to face conversations, now we don’t have much patience for that.

In times gone by

In times gone by, people relied on handwritten letters to communicate across long distances

When I was young

When I was young, we used to play outside till dark. It was a great time to be a child!


「in the good old days」に関する個人的な経験

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「in the good old days」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】- 古き良き時代




というわけで、「in the good old days」という表現は、人々が過去の良い時代に対する憧れや郷愁を表現するために使うフレーズの一つです。







Thanks for stopping by and I hope everything is going well in your life in the second month of the year 2024. You’re probably here to investigate the meaning, origins and usage of the idiom “ in the good old days”an expression that is commonly used in everyday conversations. In the few paragraphs below, I’m offering you some help in your search.

Meaning and origin of “In the good old days”

In the good old days” this refers to a time in the past when things were better in some way than they are today for the speaker. It’s used to reminisce about a time perceived to be better than the present. The origin of the expression is not clear but it started to appear in literature around  the mid 1720s.

Usage Examples

In the good old days, we used to have real friends. Now we have thousands of unknown FaceBook friends.
In the good old days, you could leave your doors unlocked without worrying about anything.
Back in the good old days, we didn’t have smartphones to distract us during family dinners.

 Expressions similar to “In the good old days

Back in my day  (Back in my day, we used to have long face to face conversations, now we don’t have much patience for that.)

In times gone by (In times gone by, people relied on handwritten letters to communicate across long distances)

When I was young (When I was young, we used to play outside till dark. It was a great time to be a child!)

Personal  experiences with “In the good old days” 

I really loved dancing when I was younger. In fact in my teenage years, we often went disco dancing throughout the night. And we would get into trouble with our parents sometimes. Those were the good old days!

There it is. “In the good old days” is one of the phrases people use to express a longing or nostalgia for the good times in their past.

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