




「ホワイトデー」を英語で解説 ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「ホワイトデー」を英語で説明してみよう!


White Day is just like Valentine’s Day, however it’s a time when men give gifts or sweets to women that gave them gifts on Valentine’s.

In Japan, women give sweets or chocolates to their co-workers, partners, and friends on Valentine’s Day, which is the opposite of the West as usually it’s the men who do something “romantic” for their partner.

Traditionally in Japan, women would give sweets to men that they like, but over time it’s become more generalized where women give sweets to acquaintances.

White Day is the reverse – men give gifts or sweets to the women that they had received sweets or gifts from. Generally, the gifts are white, but they don’t typically have to be.

There’s also a tradition that the gift must be “three times” the value of the Valentine’s gift, which is called “sanbai gaeshi”, but it’s unlikely that this is strictly followed.





White Day is a day where men give gifts to women. We usually give gifts to women who gave us chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It’s on March 14th.


White Day is a day where men typically give gifts to women as a return from Valentine’s Day, where women give gifts to men. The gift is also often white coloured and more expensive.














White Day and Explaining it in English

Today’s blog post is all about chocolates, giving, receiving and love – specifically, Valentine’s Day and White Day. Only one of these is celebrated in the West, that being Valentine’s Day, however in Japan, there’s also White Day, which is held on March 14th, a month after Valentines. A fun fact, White Day is also celebrated in Korea, Taiwan and China to some extent, but only after it was copied from Japan, which originally created the day.

What is White Day?

White Day is just like Valentine’s Day, however it’s a time when men give gifts or sweets to women that gave them gifts on Valentine’s. In Japan, women give sweets or chocolates to their co-workers, partners, and friends on Valentine’s Day, which is the opposite of the West as usually it’s the men who do something “romantic” for their partner. Traditionally in Japan, women would give sweets to men that they like, but over time it’s become more generalized where women give sweets to acquaintances.

White Day is the reverse – men give gifts or sweets to the women that they had received sweets or gifts from. Generally, the gifts are white, but they don’t typically have to be. There’s also a tradition that the gift must be “three times” the value of the Valentine’s gift, which is called “sanbai gaeshi”, but it’s unlikely that this is strictly followed.

Explaining in Simple Terms

When explaining white day to foreigners, keeping it simple is the way to go, and it doesn’t necessarily need a history lesson either. An example is below:

“White Day is a day where men give gifts to women. We usually give gifts to women who gave us chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It’s on March 14th.”

If you want to be more complex:

“White Day is a day where men typically give gifts to women as a return from Valentine’s Day, where women give gifts to men. The gift is also often white coloured and more expensive.”

Personal Experiences with White Day

In Australia, there is basically no White Day or anything similar to it – it’s just Valentine’s, and on those days, men usually do or buy something for their partners or women that they like. Personally, I find it to be more about marketing and prices of chocolates usually get super expensive, however I’ve had chocolates and other gifts given to me by women in Japan. Maybe they liked me! I know for sure that my partner does at least!

A Unique Event in Japan

Overall, White Day is a unique event in Japan and some other Asian countries, and may come as a surprise to many international visitors who’ve never heard of it before. Hopefully you’ll now have the tools to explain it efficiently in English.

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