友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 – What are you doing here?は失礼?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?





「What are you doing here?」は失礼?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?



What are you doing here?


When did you get here?


友好的に明るく「What are you doing here?」と尋ねれば、驚きとポジティブな感情が伝わります。



「What are you doing here?」という言葉自体は失礼ではありませんが、トーンには気をつけた方が良いです。

では、「What are you doing here?」以外の言い方もみていきましょう。


「What are you doing here?」以外の言い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?


Oh! I didn’t know you come here too! What brings you here?

Hey! What are you shopping around for? Do you shop here often too?

Oh, what are you doing here? I hope you’re not sick, too!

Oh this is a little awkward… what are you doing here?


例文に登場した「What brings you here?」は、「What are you doing here?」の代わりに使える便利なフレーズです。













What to Say in Unexpected Encounters

Today’s blog post is about unexpected encounters of the friendly kind – in other words, sometimes in daily life we bump into our friends in places we don’t expect to see them in. In these situations, how to react, what to say and what to do are all things we need to consider depending on the context, so today’s English will be focusing on specifically that, alongside focusing on what’s rude to say and how being rude is interpreted in the English language as opposed to Japanese. Let’s begin!

Rudeness and “What are you doing here?”

Let’s say that you’re at a bar in an international country, and suddenly, you bump into a friend of yours from your home country. It’s a bit of a surprise, so naturally you’d be curious as to why your friend is there.

Basically, you can just ask them “What are you doing here?” or “When did you get here?” even, as you’d probably be curious as to when they got there, too. However, are these questions rude, or are they a bit too aggressive?

The answer is more dependent on your “tone” and not necessarily what you say. If you ask your friend, in a friendly and upbeat tone, “What are you doing here?”, the feeling would be one of surprise and positivity. However, if you ask them in a nervous and panicked tone, it would come off as maybe rude and implying you didn’t want them to be there.

So, to answer the question more succinctly – your tone dictates the manners! You can say “What are you doing here?” without any worry about being rude, just be careful of your tone.

Let’s now think about other ways to ask the same kind of question in English.

Other Phrases and Examples

The things you can say depend a lot on context. Let’s look at some examples:

You bump into a friend at a bar you frequent – “Oh! I didn’t know you come here too! What brings you here?”

You bump into a friend at a shop – “Hey! What are you shopping around for? Do you shop here often too?”

You bump into a friend at a doctor – “Oh, what are you doing here? I hope you’re not sick, too!”

You bump into a friend at an establishment you might feel embarrassed about – “Oh this is a little awkward… what are you doing here?”

The final example is one that probably requires a lot of social nuances depending on the situation, so it can be tricky in any language!

Finally, one alternative way to say “What are you doing here?” is also “What brings you here?”. This is a natural phrase you might here from native speakers, so keep it in mind.

Personal Experience

Honestly, I don’t have too many personal experiences with this one, but I have occasionally bumped into some of my students while shopping. Usually it’s fine and I happily greet my students. As written above, tone is most important of all so usually when greeting students, it’s with a light and upbeat tone so it never feels awkward. I usually don’t ask them what they’re doing there (because I think it’s obvious, they’re shopping!), but I ask them how they are and make small talk.


Hopefully with the above phrases and explanation on manners you’ll now be armed with the ability to handle unexpected meetings in English more smoothly. Just remember – your tone is the key, not necessarily the words you say, but the phrases should give you a good guideline as to what kind of vocab we use when we bump into someone.

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