英語レッスン 動物のイディオムで英会話しよう

Hello beautiful people. Today we have some animal idioms for you. What do you think monkeying around means? Who is the black sheep in your family? What is a wild goose chase? Is it a Haruki Murakami inspired Kafkaesque setting with an omnipotent evil lurking in the shadows or is its meaning far less sinister?

素敵な皆様、こんにちは。今回は動物関係のイディオム(決まり文句)をいくつかご用意しました。“monkeying around”「『猿』し回る」とはどういう意味だと思いますか?あなたの家族の“black sheep”「黒い羊」は誰?“a wild goose chase”「雁の追跡」とは?村上春樹の小説が、暗がりに潜む変幻自在の悪が付き物の、カフカ風場面設定を呼び起こしたということなのか、はたまたそのような薄気味悪い意味など大して込められていないのか?

 there are plenty more fish in the sea. –> there are many other people or possibilities

Ex. “Hiroshi’s girlfriend left him.  I told him to not worry so much. There are plenty more fish in the sea.”



 a fish out of water -> someone who is uncomfortable in a particular situation

Ex. “I met my girlfriends friends last night. I felt like a fish out of water”



 the black sheep  of the family  -> someone who is thought to be a bad person by the rest of their family

Ex. “Uncle James officially became the black sheep  of the family after he was arrested for possession of cocaine.”



 monkey around – > do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly

Ex. “Would you please stop monkeying around? You have to study for your exams at some point.”



 a wild goose chase -> an attempt to accomplish something impossible or unlikely of attainment.

Ex. “Did you buy that CD I asked you to? No. You sent me on a wild goose chase. I must have tried three shops.”



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