
Rainy season (梅雨)

It looks like the rainy season is well and truly upon us now so here are a few ways to talk about this season. 今まさに梅雨の真っ只中、という感がありますね。そこで、梅雨を語るための表現をいくつかご紹介します。

First of all rain. まずは

It’s raining heavily can be said like this.

It’s pouring down ザーザー降りだ

It’s chucking it down

It’s bucketing down バケツをひっくり返したような雨だ

It’s raining cats and dogs



On humid days you can say.

It’s muggy 蒸し暑い
It’s clammy じめじめする

It’s like a sauna outside外は蒸し風呂状態だ


For light rain 小雨には・・・
misty rain 霧雨
drizzle しとしと降る雨


For storms には・・・

Mother nature is throwing a fit

A clap of thunder 雷のピシャッという音
A rumble of thunder 雷のゴロゴロという音
A flash of lightning 稲光
Howling winds ビュービューとうなる風
Screaming winds ヒューヒューと鳴る風

A lull in the rain.


The heavens opened (used to describe when it starts raining heavily)


Here’s an example of some of them put together.


It was a horrible day today. In the morning it was like a sauna outside and it drizzled all morning,  there was a lull in the rain in the afternoon then I heard a rumble of thunder and all of a sudden the heavens opened, there were howling winds and it was chucking it down for the rest of the day. I hope it clears up tomorrow. Clears up means (天気回復)
