How did you study English?
English is a Germanic language but a significant portion of its vocabulary comes from languages that evolved from Latin (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian).
Having Portuguese as a mother tongue made English and consequently Spanish quite familiar for me. Brazilians can easily pick up some meaning from languages of Latin root.
In Brazil, as likewise in Japan, to be proficient in a foreign language, taking an extra course is necessary. I had the opportunity to study at Cultura Inglesa (English Culture).
ブラジルでは、外国語に堪能になるためには、日本と同様、特別な教育課程を履修することが必要です。私は、Cultura Inglesa語学学校(Cultura=文化、Inglesa=英語・英国の)で学習する機会がありました。
Cultura Inglesa is an English-teaching franchise founded in 1934 and with branches present in the main Brazilian cities like Rio and São Paulo (my hometown). Besides teaching and administering examinations (Cambridge ESOL Examinations), the company also promotes cultural events with a focus on the British culture and it is also a British Council partner.
Cultura Inglesaは、1934年設立の英語教育フランチャイズで、現在リオやサンパウロ(私の故郷)といった、ブラジルの主要都市に校舎を展開しています。英語教育や試験(ケンブリッジ英検)の実施に加え、英国文化を取り上げた文化イベントを企画実行したり、ブリティッシュ・カウンシルと提携したりしています。
Despite the school emphasis on British culture, most teachers were Brazilian with some “British experience”. Native speakers only taught advanced levels and most of them could speak Portuguese.
Due to the school structure I became quite familiar with the British culture and language. To go from one level to another there were two tests per term. In each test all skills (oral, listening, reading, and writing) were evaluated and the passing grade had to be met.
Working for an American company (back home) was a great opportunity to put my knowledge to the test, as the company official language was English and Portuguese. However, it was backpacking in the UK that really boosted my language skills and enriched my cultural experience.