
Jaimie’s Blog – Run Idioms


Much to my surprise and slight concern I have been accepted to run in the Fukuoka Marathon in November this year. I began training last month just in case I was selected and so far I have only managed to do 14 kilometres. Hmm. It’s starting to seem as if I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew but I believe I can do it!




There are hundreds of different uses of the word run. Here are a few examples.


Run a company (manage)

会社を走らせる (経営する)

His family runs a sushi shop.


Run a course (let something happen naturally)

経路を走る (物事が自然と起こるのにまかせる)

There is no cure for this illness, we will just have to let it run its course.


Run (smuggle)

流す (密輸する)

He used to run weapons across the border during the war.


Run out (have none left)

流れ出る (底をつく)

I’m going to the convenience store, we’ve run out of coffee.


Run into (meet by chance)

〜に走って入る (偶然会う)

We ran into our old friends while we were on holiday in France.


Be on the run (to be avoiding capture from the authorities)

逃走中で (当局から捕まるのを逃れている)

Have a good run (have a period of good fortune or success)

存分に走る (幸運期である)

Manchester United had a good run as champions in the 1990s.


Give a run for your money (to match an opponent equally)

金をやっただけの見返りがある (互角の戦いをする)

Tim has secretly been training hard to outrun Jaimie in the marathon , but I think Jaimie will give him a good run for his money.


I think that’s probably enough for the moment. Time to hit the track! Wish me luck please.


