月別アーカイブ: 2016年2月

「骨くん」とふるさと – その2 (故郷の懐かしいもの、懐かしくないもの)

Jaimie’s Blog – Bones and My Hometown. – Part 2
(or What I Miss and Don’t Miss about My Hometown)
「骨くん」とふるさと – その2

Things I miss.

The pub. For a small town it has a huge number of pubs, they’re open from 11 a.m, everyone goes there and I’ve had some great times in them.

The food. I know you all associate Britain with bad food but I love some of the local products especially, beef, sausages and bacon, and smoked salmon.

The accent. I’ve had to change my accent almost completely to make myself understood here and I feel most at home speaking to people from my hometown although everyone laughs at the way I talk now.

The summer. My hometown is beautiful in the summer, and it’s so busy we have people from all over the world visiting every year and it’s really colourful.

Things I don’t miss.

Service: After being spoiled by Japanese service for so long, it came as quite a shock to be treated rudely in shops and restaurants. Oban hasn’t quite grasped the concept of service yet.
サービス。日本のサービスにかなり長い期間甘やかされた後では、(あちらの) 店やレストランでの無礼な応対はかなり衝撃的なものとなりました。オーバンは未だサービスの何たるかをつかめていないのです。

The winter. Cold, long, dark. My hometown is one of the wettest areas of Scotland which is no mean feat.

Public transport. Late, slow, infrequent. Thank goodness we can start driving at 17 in Scotland.

There it is, if you want to know more or see a few pictures take a look at the link below. Sorry it’s in English only, the Japanese version didn’t have much info.


See you at the next lesson.


「骨くん」とふるさと – その1

Jaimie’s Blog – Bones and My Hometown. – Part 1

「骨くん」とふるさと – その1

I’m excited.

My younger brother David (real name) a.k.a Bones (you’ll know why when you meet him), is coming to visit me with his girlfriend this spring. It’s been 8 years since I last saw him and he has never met his nephew or niece, so as you can understand I’m really looking forward to it.
弟のデービッド (本名) またの名を「骨くん」(彼に会えば分かります) が、この春ガールフレンドと私に会いに来るんです。彼に会うのは8年ぶりで、彼の甥や姪 (私の息子や娘) にまだ一度も会ったことがありません。なので、本当に私が楽しみにしているのが分かりますよね。

We will take a short trip in the second week of April to Aso and Oita and then up to Kyoto Nara and Miyajima, which should be fun.

His visit is bringing back memories of the last time I went home and since my lesson 2 weeks later is about describing your country I would like to tell you a little about where I’m from.

My hometown is called Oban and it’s on the northwest coast of Scotland. It is basically a fishing and tourism port and gets really busy in the summer because it is the main route to the western isles which are extremely sparsely populated and really beautiful. The population is small, only 8,500 people but in the height of summer there can be as many as 25,000 people staying in the town.

It’s a nice place to grow up I suppose, clean, relatively safe, and a lot of nature around to enjoy if you are an outdoor sports enthusiast. It’s famous for its salmon fishing, and is good if you like things like scuba diving, mountain biking/climbing, hiking, camping etc, but only in the summer really, the winters are freezing and it starts getting dark at three in the afternoon, on the other hand it stays light to 10 o’clock or later in the summer, which I miss.

Contrary to what many people believe when they first meet me, we do speak English, but since we are located near the highlands of Scotland there are a few people who learn Gaelic, the original language of Scotland and if you head out to the western or northern islands you will still find some elderly people who speak the language fluently, although the number drops every year. (to be continued)

Riri in the mirror

Riri in the mirror

The TV show was almost over. I didn’t feel like watching television anymore, anyway. I went upstairs to change from the jammies into normal clothes. Mom would be up soon. Dad usually gets up to eat breakfast and goes right back to bed after the meal on most Sunday mornings. Most of my friends’ dads do likewise. I guess they work really hard on weekdays, so they feel really tired on weekends. I think our dads’ bosses make them work…you know ordering them to do this and that just like teachers at school make us do stuff. When you’re a kid you have to go to school and get bossed around by teachers. When you grow up, you enter the world of work and start getting bossed during the first hour you spend at work. The world is a tough place.

As I was getting dressed, I heard mom yelling at Riku for watching TV in his jammies. “Oh shut up mom.” I said under my breath. You see? Pain in a kid’s life is not inflicted only by teachers, playground bullies and classroom snobs, parents do their part perfectly well. But when pushed too hard or sometimes not even pushed, kids are capable of returning some of that pain in their life to their parents and teachers. I see that pain sometimes in my mom’s and homeroom teacher’s faces. The big tantrums that Riku throws once in a while, irritates the heck out of mom.

order               指図する
bossed around  威張りちらされて
inflicted            負わされて
capable of        …する能力があって
tantrums          かんしゃく
irritate              …をいらつかせる


Tim’s Blog – Valentine’s Day


As most of you already know, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in quite a unique way in Japan. Unlike other countries where most usually men buy chocolate or flowers to women they are attracted to, in Japan women have to buy to do the buying for the men regardless of whether they are actually attracted to them or not. I thought that was pretty odd when I first came to Japan, but I like chocolate so I am quite thankful to receive it every year.

Valentine’s day and love is going to be the very appropriate subject of my classes in Yakuin on Feb 12th and Feb 13th and in Akasaka on Feb 13th and 14th, so we’ll have a chance to talk about it more in depth.

Today I’d like to talk about different ways to say that you like something.

1) I love doing something. This means that I like something very much.
ex. I love running.
I love 〜. を使うと、「〜が大好きだ」という意味になります。
例. 走るのが大好きです。
2) I’m into something. This means I’m interested in something.
ex. I’m really into Jazz.
I’m into 〜. を使うと、「〜に興味がある」という意味になります。
例.  ジャズにとてもはまっています。
3) I’m keen on something.
ex. I’m really keen on Christmas.
I’m keen on 〜. 「〜に熱中している」
例. クリスマスに本当にのぼせています。4) I’m fond of something.
ex. I’m really fond of Jane, she’s such a kind person.
I’m fond of 〜. 「〜を愛好する」
例. ジェーンが非常に好きです。全く優しい人なので。

5) Something is to my liking. (a little formal)
ex. The food and service were to my liking.
〜 is to my liking. 「〜を気に入っています」(やや硬い言い方)
例. 食事とサービスが気に入りました。

6) I’m crazy about something.
ex. He’s crazy about snowboarding, he talks about it every single day.
I’m crazy about 〜. 「〜に夢中である、惚れている」
例. 彼、スノボに狂ってて、毎日いちいちその話が出るのよ。

7) I’m addicted to something.
ex. I’m addicted to good coffee, I drink more than 5 cups a day.
I’m addicted to 〜. 「〜に中毒している、夢中である」
例. うまいコーヒーに病みつきで、1日に5杯よりもっと飲んでるんだ。

8) I fancy something/someone. (British)
ex. I really fancy Jessica Alba, she’s gorgeous
I fancy 〜.「〜が気に入っている」(イギリス英語)
例. ジェシカ・アルバ、マジ好きだぜ、超美人だし。

See you on Valentine’s Day!






TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)のホームページによると、「1979年に開始された英語によるコミュニケーション能力を幅広く評価する世界共通のテストで、テスト結果は合格・不合格ではなく、点数での評価になる」とのことです。

講師の中島 正巳(なかしま まさみ)先生はTOEIC満点(990点)、英検1級等を取得しているだけでなく、英語をこよなく愛する根っからの英語好きです。TOEICについては、日頃から研究を重ね、TOEICに関して経験、知識が豊富です。TOEICの学習を単なるノウハウに終わらせるのではなく、それを超えてコミュニケーションスキルの向上に役立てたいと願っています。




パート2 最初の数語に集中、疑問文のタイプ別対応
パート5 読まずに解く問題 「品詞」など。
パート6 読まずに解く問題 「品詞」「前置詞」など。
パート1 「人物」

パート1 「人物」
パート7 手紙、メール、メモ
パート3 全体的内容を問う問題
パート4 目的、場所、時間

