Level 3/4 Beer!

Level 3/4 Beer!

Hello everyone.  Summer is over but the hot weather is still here!
I find that a good way to stay cool in the heat is by drinking beer!!
Japan has a lot of good beers and I think they are getting better every year, one of my new hobbies is looking for the perfect convenience store beer, and I like to think I have found it.

Here is a list of my top five.

beer-2No. 5   Master’s Dream ( Suntory) 6% lager
This is a bit of a classic now, it’s been around for a while, a nice smooth lager, very easy to drink can be found in any convenience store and a lot of supermarkets too.

beer-4No. 4  Kin no beer ( Suntory) 6% lager
I found this one a few months ago and it was a real surprise, very smooth creamy, and easy to drink, this is limited to Seven Eleven stores only.

beer-5No. 3   Wee Heavy ( Belhaven)  7.4% stout
This is a bit of a cheat because it’s not really a convenience store beer but comes from Sunny supermarket. Sunny is tied to a British supermarket chain called Asda and they occasionally save my life by stocking things like this. This will not be for everyone, a very strong rich flavour and high alcohol content, only beer lovers will like this one. Can be drunk cold or warm. Only found in Sunny.

beer-3No. 2  Aooni 7.5% I.P.A
This is a beauty, my wife is a big fan. A very bitter , high alcohol content I.P.A ( Indian pale ale) not so easy to drink if you haven’t tried much I.P.A before but if you are a fan try this one. It never gets boring. The Aooni is a mysterious beer and can only be found in a few places. See me for details.

beer-1No. 1 Craft Select (Suntory) I.P.A  6.5%
Suntory, thank you.  You have come up with a great I.P.A, strong alcohol content like all I.P.A s but with almost no bitter flavour, goes well with food or just on its own, by far my favourite convenience store beer, and one of my favourite beers in general.

Unfortunately this beautiful invention can only be found in random convenience stores and seems to be a seasonal limited edition. Let’s just hope it comes back next year!!
That’s my list, if anyone knows of any other great beers I have missed please let me know when you next see me, my quest to find the perfect beer is an endless one.


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