
How to study English – Turn off your i-phone!

Hi, here is a little advice I would like to give you which I think is pretty simple but will do you good in the long run.

 I’m going to keep it pretty short and simple today because this is just some advice.

 Switch off your smartphone please.

 I often find, especially in private lessons, that students are quick to grab their smartphone as soon as they don’t know the exact word they are looking for.

 This does you almost no good at all because

a)You are not using your brain.

b)You will probably forget the word immediately after the class unless you review your google searches

c)The first translation you find can often be very direct, cause confusion, or convey the wrong meaning of the word

Therefore,  I think it is much better to try and replace the word you don’t know with an explanation of what you are trying to say instead. This way you use your brain and when the word either comes to you or the teacher/person you are speaking to gets it, you have communicated what you wanted to say and you won’t forget it the next time. These situations will stick in your brain much better than simply googling and translating.

 For example, you can’t remember the word watermelon.

 Okay, no big deal, you describe it as a big green fruit, red inside, that you eat in the summer.

 I think there are no such things as difficult words,but there are tangible nouns like watermelon, and intangible nouns like sadness. Intangible nouns can be more difficult to remember or explain because they can’t be seen, or touched, it is very easy to label things you can see.

 Let’s give a try though.


 How you feel when you, get dumped by your girlfriend, your pet dies, you look at your bank balance.

 There you go, if I heard any of those explanations I could probably guess what you were trying to say.

 Hope to see you trying it in class soon.












 ですので、挑戦し、分からない単語はその単語を説明する他の言葉に言い換えて言ってみるほうがよっぽどいいです。この方法は脳を使うし、思い出そうとして話すことで、あなたか講師/人 の頭に単語が思い浮かんだら、なにを言いたかったかコミュニケーションがとれたということですし、次はもう忘れないでしょう。こうするほうが、シンプルなグーグルや翻訳サービスよりも脳に焼き付けられます。



















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