月別アーカイブ: 2020年5月

How to study English – いつもと違う講師のレッスンをオンラインで受ける

How to study English – Try online classes with different teachers.

Hello there everyone,

As you know we have been teaching both our private and group lessons online and they have been going really well. For myself, I have really enjoyed meeting students that I would never usually get to teach from some of the other classrooms and I think that this is a great way for students to be able to take lessons from teachers they wouldn’t usually meet.
Staying with one teacher all the time has its benefits but it is also nice to take yourself out of your comfort zone and try other teacher’s classes. You will have to adapt to that teacher’s style, the way they speak, their pace, and you will also be meeting someone new which is a great chance to practice what you would need when meeting people overseas, in your workplace or just out and about.

Give it a try, it will be well worth it!


How to study English – いつもと違う講師のレッスンをオンラインで受ける





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食べ物について話そう! – 「フル イングリッシュブレクファスト(full English breakfast)」 とは?

食べ物について話そう! – a full English breakfast

If you ever have the chance to visit the UK I really recommend you go to a place that serves a good full English breakfast. It usually has eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans in tomato sauce, mushrooms, tomatoes and black pudding ( a kind of blood sausage with oats) and is served with buttered toast and tea. It is totally delicious but be warned it is very filling and extremely unhealthy, it may be the reason the Brits have such short lifespans!

If you do happen to find yourself there it is usually written on the menu as “ Full English”

Give it a go!



「フル イングリッシュブレクファスト(full English breakfast)」 とは?

もしあなたがイギリスを訪れる機会があるとしたら、本物の「フル イングリッシュブレクファスト(full English breakfast)」を出してくれるところに行かれることを心からお勧めします。これにはたいてい卵、ベーコン、ソーセージ、トマトソース煮のベイクトビーンズ、マッシュルーム、トマト、ブラックプディング(オーツ麦に血液を混ぜたソーセージの一種です)が盛られていて、バタつきのトーストと紅茶が添えられます。すばらしく美味しいのですが、とてもおなかいっぱいになりますし、きわめて不健康だとご注意しておきます。イギリス人たちの寿命があんなに短いのはそのせいかもしれませんね!

たまたまそういう場所にいあわせたら、メニューにはたいてい「Full English」と書いてありますから。



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日常英会話レッスン 「緊急事態宣言」を英語で?

日常英会話レッスン – a State of emergencyとは

Hello there everyone,

This isn’t really everyday English but it is good news so I think it’s okay. A lot of my students have been asking me how to say 緊急事態宣言が解除されました in English over the last few days so here goes.

Firstly the 緊急事態宣言 is known as a state of emergency declaration in English and there are many ways to say 解除する in English such as cancel, release and more, but the best way to say it in this case is lift so..

“The state of emergency has been lifted in most of Japan.” is the best way to say this.



日常英会話レッスン ー「緊急事態宣言」を英語で?



まず、「緊急事態宣言」は英語で ’a state of emergency declaration’ と言います。「解除する」にあたる英語は ’cancel’ ‘release’ などなどたくさんありますが、この場合一番ぴったりなのは ‘lift’ です。というわけで…

“The state of emergency has been lifted in most of Japan.” (緊急事態宣言は日本の大部分で解除されている)というのが一番でしょう。


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今週末のレッスントピック :「ファーストフード」と「習慣」

Weekend Lesson Topics : Fast Food/ Habits

Hello again everyone. The topics for this weekend’s online lessons are “Fast Food” and “Habits”

In the habits class we will be talking about your daily, weekly, and monthly habits, what you usually do at different times of the day and in your free time, your health habits, your bad habits, and the habits you used to have in your childhood.

In the fast food class, we will be comparing different fast food places, making accepting and refusing suggestions, and finally ordering from a fast food menu.

Sounds like a pretty action packed couple lessons!

Enjoy your classes.



今週末のレッスントピック :「ファーストフード」と「習慣」







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ケンジントン英会話のオンライン グループレッスン!

How to study English – Take our online group lessons!!

Guys, In May we are offering our group lessons as manabihodai for no extra charge for our group students and for only an extra 2,000 for our private students. That’s a fantastic offer and we’ll almost certainly stop offering it very soon, most likely at the end of this month. Please take advantage of it while it lasts!



英語の勉強法 – ケンジントンのオンライン グループレッスンを受けましょう!

皆さん、5月はグループレッスンが、グループ受講生は追加料金なし、プライベート受講生は追加料金2,000円だけで学び放題です。とてもお得ですし、もうまもなく ーおそらく今月末にはー 終了になりますから、今のうちにぜひご利用くだいね!


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食べ物について話そう! – 美味しいモヒート(mojito )の英語レシピ

食べ物について話そう! – Making a good mojito 

Hi guys,
I have been spending way too much time at home recently and so I decided to spend my time a little productively so I learnt how to make a couple of cocktails. The Whiskey Smash and the Mojito!

Today I’ll talk to you about how to prepare a really great Mojito!

1. Put 6- 8 spearmint leaves in a highball glass.

2. Add 25ml of fresh lime juice, 15ml of syrup and 60ml of white rum

3. Stir lightly to combine the ingredients. Add crushed ice to the glass until halfway full. Using a spoon, very lightly pull some of the mint up from the bottom of the glass. Add more crushed ice (until the top of the glass) and insert a straw.

4. Serve with some mint on top and enjoy a perfect drink!!!



食べ物について話そう! – 美味しいモヒート(mojito)の英語レシピ








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日常英会話レッスン – Struggle with something の意味:~に苦戦中です

日常英会話レッスン – Struggle with something の意味:「~に苦戦中です」

Hello everyone,

Gradually many of you have access to your student files. In those you’ll see sometimes an expression we use when someone has difficulty with something. It’s “struggle with something”.

For example,

Ex. She struggled a little bit with the changing of verb tenses

This means that the student had difficulty with the verb tenses. That changing the verb tenses was a little bit difficult for her.

Hope that’s helpful!



日常英会話レッスン –  「~に苦戦中です」英語では?

だんだん受講生の皆さんの多くが受講生ファイルにアクセスできるようになってきています。そのファイルの中で、何かに苦労しているときに私たちが使うある表現を目にされることでしょう。それは “struggle with something(何かに対して苦戦している)”というものです。




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ケンジントン英会話ニュース – ケンジントン英会話 – なぜ「他とは違う発想で考える」の?

ケンジントン英会話ニュース – Kensington Eikaiwa – Why we think different

When we started Kensington we decided that our motto would be “We think different” because we knew what all the other big and small Eikaiwas were doing and frankly we knew that we could do it much better than them.

“We think different” means that we’ll always challenge ourselves, we’ll always think out of the box and we’ll always improve on our school in any way possible. “We think different” means that while making money is of course important, it’s not our main motivation. Our main motivation was, is and will always be to create a fantastic product for you and to create a great working place for our staff and teachers!

These last two months have been very hard for us, because of the coronavirus we’ve lost a large part of our sales and for a while there it seemed as if what we worked so hard to build in the last 6 years would come crumbling down in a couple of weeks. It won’t, we may have lost a large part of our income but what we have not lost is our determination to continuously improve our service to you and to succeed.

With that note, please stay tuned on our blog for some exciting new features we’ll be offering our private students very soon!!



ケンジントン英会話ニュース – ケンジントン英会話 – なぜ「他とは違う発想で考える」?





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英語の学習法 – ケンジントンのオンライン・パーティにお越しください!

How to Study English – Join one of our online parties!

Since we are all doing our best not to go out at the moment we have decided to start organising some online events ( of course as much as possible held in English). The more exposure you get to English the better and with the manabihodai course continuing this month too this is a great chance to increase the amount of time you use English.

The first event will be an online pub quiz( drinking is almost mandatory but not entirely) . It will be held sometime in the very near future but that date has yet to be decided so please watch this space for further details.


英語の学習法 – ケンジントンのオンライン・パーティにお越しください!



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日常英会話レッスン – 意志あるところに道は開ける

日常英会話レッスン -Where there’s a will there’s a way

Hello there everyone,

This is a nice expression that we use in English and it simply means that if you have enough determination anything is possible.


“They are saying that in the future humans may live on Mars! I don’t think that is possible, do you?”

“Well a long time ago we’d never have believed man would walk on the moon. I suppose where there is a will there’s a way.”



日常英会話レッスン – 意志あるところに道は開ける





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