ロス講師の学習アドバイス – 自分の個人的なことを英語にしてみる

Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons – Personalization

One area we really want to help our students with this week is “Personalization”. We want to help you to talk about your home, your neighbourhood, and your city. Before you come to class, why not prepare an introduction for your teacher? Try to give specific examples to describe where you live, and what you like and don’t like about your local area and Fukuoka. Do you recommend your neighbourhood? Why? Why not?! Also, be sure to mention what activities you usually do there day-to-day. And don’t worry if you’re not sure of the vocabulary or grammar – go ahead and make as many mistakes as you want! Your friendly Kensington teacher will give you excellent feedback and show you how you can talk naturally about your daily life in Fukuoka.

I’m looking forward to learning all about where you live. And don’t forget to ask me a couple of questions about Hirao!

See you in class,


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – Personalization

今週私たちが生徒さん達をとても手伝いたい1つの領域は “Personalization”=「個人的なもの化」です。あなたの家、あなたのご近所、そしてあなたの街について話すのをお手伝いしたいのです。レッスンに来る前に、先生のために紹介文を考えてみてはいかがでしょう?どこに住んでいるか、あなたの地元や福岡で何が好きで嫌いか、具体的な例をあげれるようにしてみましょう。




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