
Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons

This week’s topic is “Changes” – and it’s a great topic to talk about your own life. I recommend before class to do some brainstorming and think of changes in your life. Many students may try to think of big events in their life, like buying a house or getting married. However, my advice to you this week is to also think about the little things – small changes and habits that have made a big difference in your life.

For example, I used to have trouble sleeping at night. I tried many different ways to solve this problem. After trying many ideas, I discovered I’m really quite sensitive to caffeine! I love drinking coffee, but now I’m careful when I drink it. These days, I only drink coffee in the morning. After 12pm I never drink coffee! This small change really helps me to get to sleep much better at night. Sleeping well also gives me more energy and helps me to think clearer. So this small change of habit has had a really big impact on my life.

I recommend thinking of the small changes you have made – and their big effects. Also, be sure to ask your teacher about their life changes and join the discussion!


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす

今週のレッスントピックは “Changes”です。そしてそれは、あなたの人生について話すのに、素晴らしいトピックです。レッスンを受ける前にブレインストーミングをして、あなたの人生における変化について考えてみることをおすすめします。受講生のみなさんの多くは、家を買った、結婚した、というような、人生での大きな出来事について考えるかもしれません。しかしながら、今週の私からのアドバイスは、大きな出来事だけでなく、小さなこと(あなたの人生に大きな影響を与えた、小さな変化や小さな習慣)についても考えてみることです。



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