月別アーカイブ: 2020年10月


Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons

This week’s topic is “Changes” – and it’s a great topic to talk about your own life. I recommend before class to do some brainstorming and think of changes in your life. Many students may try to think of big events in their life, like buying a house or getting married. However, my advice to you this week is to also think about the little things – small changes and habits that have made a big difference in your life.

For example, I used to have trouble sleeping at night. I tried many different ways to solve this problem. After trying many ideas, I discovered I’m really quite sensitive to caffeine! I love drinking coffee, but now I’m careful when I drink it. These days, I only drink coffee in the morning. After 12pm I never drink coffee! This small change really helps me to get to sleep much better at night. Sleeping well also gives me more energy and helps me to think clearer. So this small change of habit has had a really big impact on my life.

I recommend thinking of the small changes you have made – and their big effects. Also, be sure to ask your teacher about their life changes and join the discussion!


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす

今週のレッスントピックは “Changes”です。そしてそれは、あなたの人生について話すのに、素晴らしいトピックです。レッスンを受ける前にブレインストーミングをして、あなたの人生における変化について考えてみることをおすすめします。受講生のみなさんの多くは、家を買った、結婚した、というような、人生での大きな出来事について考えるかもしれません。しかしながら、今週の私からのアドバイスは、大きな出来事だけでなく、小さなこと(あなたの人生に大きな影響を与えた、小さな変化や小さな習慣)についても考えてみることです。



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私の出身地での新しい変化 – Ross講師

Talk about myself/my hometown/my country 

One of the most recent big changes to my hometown, Edinburgh, in Scotland, is a new tram system that runs through the city centre. The route is really long – in fact it goes all the way to Edinburgh airport. It’s a really quick and convenient way to get around the city. I’ve only used it a couple of times, but I think it looks very modern and stylish. It’s also really clean and quiet – the old buses are much more noisy and polluting!

Edinburgh doesn’t have a subway system, so I recommend taking the tram to get around town. The good news is that there are plans to extend the route, so in the near future it will also go as far as the sea too. If you come to Edinburgh, I recommend you hop on the tram from the airport and go into the city centre. It’s a nice way to see the city, and a great first impression!


スコットランド、エディンバラでは (Ross講師)



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“Shake things up”=物事をシェイクする!?実は良い意味の英語表現

Everyday English

“Shake things up” = to change things a lot, usually quite quickly. It’s a positive meaning.

“A new teacher just arrived in our school, and she’s really shaking things up.”

From this sentence, I get the sense that everything was always the same in the school for a long time, without much change. Maybe everyone had a routine and it was a little boring. The new teacher maybe has new ideas, new habits and is making big, positive changes to perhaps her class and the teaching style. From this expression, I get the idea that things are starting to really improve and people are really happy she has joined the school. Maybe it has a lot of benefits for the students too!


“Shake things up”

“Shake things up” =物事を大きく変えること(たいていの場合かなり速く)



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This week’s subject

This week’s subject is “Changes” – and since I’m quite interested in new technology I’m really looking forward to teaching this class. Often, we need to use the grammar called the Present Perfect in this topic (have + past participle). We use it mostly to talk about a change that happened in the past, but still exists now. For example,

“A French company has made a new mini electric car – that 14-year-olds can drive.”

I read this story last week. These cars are really small (only 2 seats!) and cheap, and designed for driving in the city. I was amazed that teenagers as young as 14 can legally drive them! I hope these cars come to Japan and the UK soon too, but I’m not so sure I want 14-year-olds on the road!! The cars were released in the summer, but of course they’re still on the roads now – so we say “has made” to show this meaning in English.


今週のレッスントピック ー 現在完了形って、どう使うの?一緒に学習しましょう!

今週のトピックは“Changes” です。私は新しいテクノロジーに大変興味があるので、このトピックでレッスンをするのがとても楽しみです。多くの場合、このトピックでは現在完了形(have+過去分詞)と呼ばれる文法を使う必要があります。たいてい、過去に起きたChange=変化だけれど、今も存在している(続いている)ことについて話す時に使います。


“A French company has made a new mini electric car – that 14-year-olds can drive.”
=「フランスの会社が新しい小型の電気自動車を作った -それは14歳児でも運転可能だ」

この記事を先週読みました。その車はとても小さく(2シートしかないのです!)、安く、街乗り用に設計されています。14歳という若さのティーンエイジャーでも合法的に運転できるということに、びっくりしました!日本とイギリスにも、早く来ると良いな、と思いますが、(運転手として)道路上に14歳児たちに居てほしいか、と言われると、微妙です。夏にリリースされたこの車ですが、もちろん今も道路を走っています。ーですから、それを伝えるために英語では“has made”を使います。

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What we are doing in Kensington

These days in Kensington we’re starting to form a new team of teachers to focus on teaching our adult students. It’s exciting times and I’m really looking forward to working with my new teammates. The teachers in Kensington are very friendly and easy to work with, so I can’t wait to get started!

Kensington lessons are really practical and of great benefit to our students. We hope in the near future we can make them even better. It’s just the start now, but when I have more news on this subject I hope to share it with you all here in the blogs… so watch this space!





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この時代にぴったりなビジネス英語かも?”Business is slow”

Business English – Business is slow

A good word to use in these times (unless you are working for Amazon/ Netflix or some other online service company and then you should be slowing down on those champagnes) is that business is slow.

Unfortunately for us too in Kensington, business has been super slow since the pandemic started but the good news is that our spirits are high. One pandemic may slow us down but it ain’t gonna beat us!

Having said that, hopefully business is going to pick up again soon!

If you love Kensington, spread the word to your friends!!

See you in class!



この時代にぴったりなビジネス英語かも?”Business is slow”


business is slow = ビジネスが遅い (閑古鳥が鳴く、景気が悪い、商売が暇)です。






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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons – Make it into a conversation

I think we have already mentioned it a few times before but in Kensington we want our private students to have a natural conversation in class with their teachers. 

A natural conversation is of course not a conversation where one person (the teacher) asks many many questions and one person (the student) answers them. That’s not really even a conversation; that’s an interview. 

In Kensington, of course you can prepare for job interviews if you are looking for a job using English or TV show interviews if you are a celebrity but most students study English so that they can have natural conversations with foreign people when they travel, at work, when making friends etc…

So, please look at the classes in that way: as natural conversations about the subject of the day. And in the classes make sure to ask the teacher questions and make it a two way conversation. Honestly it’s also much more fun that way!

See you in class!



学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす







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Talk about myself/my hometown/my country – Hi, they call me Tim

Hi everyone, 

My name is actually Timos but everyone calls me Tim nowadays and I have started getting used to it although I think Timos sounds better (and slightly cooler).

As you probably know, I was born in Greece in the capital city of Athens. I grew up in two suburbs of Athens; the first was called Vrillissia and the second Dionysos. Greek names probably sound very funny to you, but please keep in mind that Japanese names also sound funny to Greek people.

When I was a young boy, I was as skinny as anyone could be. I’m not sure why I was so skinny but it’s almost certainly a combination of some really slim genes from my parents and my very picky ways when it comes to food. I loved playing sports and video games when I was a kid. Actually I loved playing sports and video games when I was a teenager as well. 

When I was a young boy, my mum used to speak to me in English; my mum was an English teacher (and later she became a famous writer in Greece). She thought learning English would be very important for me and well she was totally right as, as you probably know, I also became an English teacher. So thanks mum, wherever you are.

My mum passed away 3 years ago and it was the hardest time of my life; when you lose a family member, you lose your roots, your history; It’s really like losing a part of yourself. If nobody knows or remembers my childhood except myself, it’s almost as if it never existed, and certainly nobody now cares about it except maybe myself.

So please show love to your parents people, you’ll definitely miss them when they’re gone.


Hi! 皆は私をTimと呼びます。









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This week’s subject – Choices

This week’s subject is choices, and well we’ll practice how to choose between things.

We are going to talk about our preferences and give reasoning in different situations. Some of the things we’ll practice are choosing clothes when shopping, choosing what to do when arranging a night out, choosing where to go with a friend on a trip.

It’s a really cool class and we cover some very important grammar so please don’t miss it!!









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Kensington Careers

Hi everyone,

We started this new blog so you can get a better understanding of what we are always doing behind the scenes to improve or grow the school, believe me when I say that we are always working on new projects, new ideas to improve our school.

Currently we are overhauling our HR system and we are starting a new HR system which we call “Kensington Careers”. It’s work in progress but our idea is to create a leveling system for both our part time and full time workers so our employees can choose how involved they would like to be in the school, what position they would like to get and also what career path they’d need in order to get to that position.

It’s quite difficult to accurately imagine our future needs but I find this project super exciting and another good step for us to attract good employees and to cultivate a culture in which they can succeed within our school!







現在、私たちのHRシステム(従業員の活用、管理するシステム)を見直し、分析していて、“Kensington Careers”と名付けた新しいHRシステムをスタートする予定です。まだ作業中の段階ですが、実現したいのは、パートタイムスタッフとフルタイムスタッフ双方のためのレベリングシステムです。





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