月別アーカイブ: 2020年11月

今週のレッスントピック - お気に入りの持ち物について

This week’s subject – Possessions

This week’s subject is “Possessions” – so we are going to be talking about all our favourite things, and why we like them so much! To do this, we need to think about why we decided to buy our favourite items (and not just any similar item). Is it the brand, the style, the colour, the design – why do you love your possessions? We also need to think about where and when we bought them, and how much they cost. Lastly, we need lots of great adjectives to describe our things, and to let others know how we feel about them.

Like many people, my favourite possessions are those given to me as a present by others. Recently, my brother gave me a big pair of Bluetooth headphones. He bought them on Amazon and sent them to me as a Christmas gift. In Japan, it’s important to be quiet at home – and my headphones definitely help with this! I use them regularly to watch football matches, films and to listen to music. They look heavy, but they’re actually quite light so they are comfortable to wear. I don’t care about what they look like, or brand names; what’s important to me is that they sound good, and luckily they do!

Feel free to ask me any questions about this, or other possessions, in class!



今週のレッスントピックは「持ち物」です。大好きなものについて、それらをとても好きな理由について話しましょう! そのためには、どうしてこれらのものを買う決断をしたのか(そして、どうして似ているその他のものではダメなのか)について考える必要があります。ブランド、スタイル、色、それともデザインーどうしてあなたはこれらの物が好きなのでしょう?




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ケンジントンでのできごと- 画像描写で英語は上達する

What we are doing in Kensington

These days in Kensington we’re starting to add photos to our curriculum. The Kensington staff hope to share more about our life and experiences with our students, and hope that students can do the same. 

We hope this improves your English in 2 ways. First, we hope it helps to ask more and better questions. Feel free to ask your teachers anything about all the new, wonderful photos you see on the website. You can ask for more details, or whether the teacher recommends the experience. This practice will help our students start more conversations, and give them more confidence to do so.

Our second hope is that it encourages you to share photos of your life, and then we can help you to talk more about your own experiences. Everyone has a smartphone these days, with hundreds, if not thousands of images on them. Whether you want to talk about a great meal you had recently, a trip you took, or just your favourite item in 711, a photo really does help to explain exactly what you want to talk about. Describing photos also gives you great practice of using the past tense and re-telling a story, so I can’t wait to hear all your interesting stories in class!

See you then,








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ビジネス英会話  「年老いた犬に新しい技は教えられない」

Business English
you can’t teach an old dog new tricks

One reason that many companies prefer younger employees to older ones is that it’s hard to persuade some people to change their ways after a certain point in life. For example, many companies simply don’t hire anyone above a certain age point (quite high at the moment) for the simple reason that it’s very hard to change your thinking , change your ways and learn many new things after a certain age. That’s not true to everyone, some people do keep a beginner mindset throughout their lives but I think it’s at least true to some people.

The expression we use in that situation is “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” and unfortunately I sometimes agree that it’s true.






この表現、“you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” は残念ながら事実だと、時々は認めざるを得ないのです。

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学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – 継続は力なり

Study Advice – How to make most of your lessons
Learning a language is a marathon

I think one thing to keep in mind while learning English is that learning a language is not a sprint, it’s a marathon and it’s not how you start this race that matters, it’s how you finish it.

I meet many students that start full of energy and motivation and then when the journey gets a little bit tough, for example when they have slightly less time to study or find that progressing past a certain point is harder than they thought, they believe that they are failing and then quit.

My advice is to be less harsh on ourselves, we all fail at times, it’s very hard to continue doing something regularly for a long period of time. In those situations, just focusing on the next day is best I think. Sometimes the target is not to get better at a language but to simply maintain our language ability during a very busy stretch so that when we get some more time we can start focusing on studying more and improving.

In Kensington we offer 2 times per month courses, we offer online courses, so students can take their classes very easily. In busy times I recommend you to decide beforehand the time you’ll take your class. So instead of changing the time each week, decide a fixed time for your classes every week and build the rest of your schedule around that!

Hope that helps!


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす –






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Talk about myself/my hometown/my country
Finding life’s purpose

Honestly I really like writing this blog, I think it’s partly because as my wife always tells me I really like talking about myself!!

I think one of the most important turning points in one’s life is when they finally discover their life’s purpose and together with that, discover their voice. Maybe for some people it’s easy, some people may know from a young age what they are destined to become and accomplish in life but for others, including myself, their journey discovering themselves, finding their purpose and their voice are more complicated and lengthy affairs.

For myself, I think the turning point was about 9 years back, when my daughter was a baby. I was 34years old at the time and I was thinking of what I had accomplished in my life so far, the sad answer was that I really hadn’t accomplished anything. If anything, I had been a chronic underachiever, I was embarrassed of my work, the places I worked for, the no effect I had on anyone’s life and I was terrified of my daughter growing up and realizing what a loser I had been all my life.

At that time, without any evidence that I could pull something like that off and without anyone believing I could do it, I decided that I would become successful. It’s hard to convey exactly what my thought process was at that time and it was difficult to imagine what that success would mean but I made the decision that I would be successful and I decided that nothing would stop me until I reached that goal.

I still feel like that now, I have my goals and I won’t allow anyone to stop me from achieving them. My professional goal in life is to create a great company, a company that isn’t only profitable but it’s also an exciting, fun and challenging place to work in. A company that can act as a platform for our employees to work hard, be creative, challenge themselves, set lofty targets and be able to achieve them. A company that our employees love and are proud to work for, a company that good work is rewarded both mentally and materially. A company where hard-working teachers and staff can earn enough money to take care of their families and children. A company that would be widely recognised as the best English school to both study and work for in the country.

I know it’s a big goal and creating a great company is actually pretty hard, I had a small brainstorming session with Jaimie yesterday and we identified 4 things that are going really well and 23 (23!!!!) small or big problems our company is currently facing. I’m sure though we’ll achieve our goal, after all we have already decided to!










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日常でつかえる英語表現 – a one trick pony-たったひとつの得意技

Everyday English – a one trick pony

Hello everyone,

Since our topic for this week is animals and pets, I’d like to introduce you to an animal related idiom. It’s “one trick pony” and it means that someone or something is only good for one particular purpose, or at doing one particular thing.

So for example 

Ex. Product A is great but we don’t want to be a one trick pony, we have got to be able to create something new and original.

Ex. Kensington is definitely not a one trick pony, we can teach adults and kids for a wide variety of targets at a very high level.

See you in class!


日常でつかえる英語表現 – a one trick pony-たったひとつの得意技



“one trick pony”


Product A is great but we don’t want to be a one trick pony, we have got to be able to create something new and original.

 Kensington is definitely not a one trick pony, we can teach adults and kids for a wide variety of targets at a very high level.



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今週のレッスントピック - 動物とペット

This week’s subject – Animals and Pets

This week’s subject is Animals and Pets, and well…. we’ll be talking about animals and pets. The conversation we’ll be quite different across the levels with the level 1 class to focus on some really useful grammar such as “when I was / when you were”,  “there is/are” and  second conditionals.

In level 2 classes we’ll do the above but also have a more expanded conversation about animals plus some pretty tough questions about animal ethics. In the level 3 classes we’ll focus on those tough questions and help our students express and expand their opinions while also learning some advanced vocab about animal idioms, animal sounds and animal groups!

See you all in class!


今週のレッスントピック - 動物とペット


レベル1のクラスでは、 “when I was / when you were”,  “there is/are” のような、とても便利ないくつかの文法と、セカンドコンディショナル (仮定法過去)に注目します。




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ケンジントンでのできごと – 雙葉学園GCコースのためのインターナショナルコース

What we are doing in Kensington
International Course for Futaba GC

Since July this year, we have started a new more advanced course for our kindergarten girls that are interested in passing the GC test in Futaba. The GC course is one of the very few bilingual courses on offer in Fukuoka for elementary students (there are only 2 at the moment) and as such is very popular and is getting harder and harder to get in.

Entering the GC course is really a life changing experience as it allows your kids to become truly bilingual, I think it’s a fantastic idea as it opens up a new world for our children.

We have a few students that are going to take the GC test on Nov 8th and recently we have been stepping up our efforts to help them maximise their chances to pass the test.

Our girls have worked so hard, have improved so much since we started that pass the test or not, they are winners! Personally it’s been a privilege working with them, and seeing them try to do their best day in day out.

Good luck on Sunday girls!!








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Study advice
Set Goals

Hello there everyone,

One of the new things you will start to notice in our classes is that we have added goals for the class at the beginning of each lesson. 

This is a good idea for your English learning too. There are two types of goals you could set yourself.

  • Long term goals such as passing a test, finding a job related to English, travelling overseas in an English speaking country, or getting into a university or college overseas. 
  • Short term goals like understanding a certain type of grammar, reviewing a number of classes, watching a film/ tv show all in English, or reading a short article story. 

Setting a long term goal, and letting everyone know that you plan to do it, is a great way to motivate yourself to keep studying but it takes time and is more difficult to achieve so also set yourself some short term. Short term goals will help you give you a sense of progress and you can give yourself a pat on the back when you achieve them too. 

If you aren’t sure what kind of goals you should be setting yourself at your level, feel free to ask any of the teachers at Kensington when you come to the school. We are here to help!





  • 長期的目標ーテストに合格する、英語に関係する仕事を見つける、英語圏の国へ旅行に行く、海外の大学に入学す、など。
  • 短期的目標ー文法の種類を理解する、レッスンの復習、英語でテレビや映画を観たり、短い記事や話を読む、など。




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ジェイミー講師の自己紹介 スコットランドのスラング

My country and culture
Scottish Slang

Hello again!

Last time I told you about the town I grew up in and the Gaelic language, today I’d like to introduce you to some Scottish slang. The Scots have a very strong accent and also use a lot of slang that people from England have a bit of trouble understanding. My father is from near London and when I was visiting my grandparents in the summer holidays he sometimes had to help my gran and grandad understand what I was saying!

Here are some slang words and phrases we use.

Aye-  Yes
Dinnae- Don’t
Canny- Can’t
Blootered/ Steamin -drunk
Piece – Sandwich
Neeps- Turnips
Dreich- Cold Wet Weather
Drookit- Soaking wet.

The list is completely endless to be honest so you can see why my grandparents had a bit of trouble understanding me. Scotland is only a small country, but the slang changes quite a bit from town to town and so does the accent. 

I have lived overseas for the best part of 20 years now so my accent has almost disappeared unfortunately.I had to tone it down for teaching English otherwise I’d never have lasted long in a job. When I go back home my friends always make fun of me and sometimes even get more than a little annoyed because I sound nothing like a Scot nowadays.








Aye-  Yes  (はい)
Dinnae- Don’t  (〜しないで)
Canny- Can’t  (〜できない)
Blootered/ Steamin -drunk  (ひどく酔っぱらった)
Piece – Sandwich  (サンドウィッチ)
Tattie-Potato  (じゃがいも)
Neeps- Turnips  (かぶ)
Ken-Know  (知る)
Greet-Cry  (泣く)
Dreich- Cold Wet Weather  (寒くて湿った天気)
Drookit- Soaking wet  (びしょ濡れ) 





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