日常でつかえる英語表現 – ファッションや美容に関する日常表現

Everyday English
dressed to kill / Vertically challenged

(TGIF- Thank God It’s Friday!)
Hello there, how was your week at the workplace? Are you looking forward to the weekend?

In our everyday English blog today, let’s look at 2 fashion/beauty/appearance related idioms:

  • dressed to kill … When someone is dressed to kill, they’re wearing fashionable, glamorous clothes intended to attract attention.

A: Moriko came to the party last night dressed to kill, wasn’t she?

B: Yeah. Everyone  noticed her gorgeous outfit.

  • Vertically challenged …This is humoristic way to refer to someone who’s short.

A: I can’t reach that shampoo bottle on the top shelve. Can you  give me a hand, Morinosuke.

B: I can see you’re a little vertically challenged, aren’t you?

Note: Please don’t use it to refer to someone who is very short due to some medical condition. It may be offensive.  

Have a good going everyone.




 TGIF- Thank God It’s Friday! (今週もお疲れ様!)


  • kill …誰かの気を引いたり、魅了する為におしdressed to ゃれで豪華な服で着飾ること。

A: Moriko came to the party last night dressed to kill, wasn’t she?


B: Yeah. Everyone  noticed her gorgeous outfit.
    (うん、みんな彼女のゴージャスな服装に注目していたよ)kill …誰かの気を引いたり、魅了する為におしdressed to ゃれで豪華な服で着飾ること。

  • Vertically challenged …背が低い人のことを表すユーモラな表現。

A: I can’t reach that shampoo bottle on the top shelve. Can              you give me a hand, Morinosuke.
B: I can see you’re a little
vertically challenged, aren’t you?




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