年別アーカイブ: 2020年

日常英会話レッスンー「日常から逃れる」 英語でなんて言う?

Everyday English/ idiom
as big as all outdoors / get away from it all

Hi there, TGIF! (Thank God It’s Friday!)
Any plans for the weekend? Are you planning to get out of town and enjoy the great outdoors somewhere?

In our everyday English blog we’re going to look at two expressions

  • as big as all outdoors

This phrase means very large.
A: Have you seen the CEO’s new yacht?
B: No, I haven’t. What is it like?
A: It’s as big as all outdoors! 

  • get away from it all

It means to go to a different place usually far away from  your workplace, city or stressful environment.
We love living in the city but sometimes we  need to get away from it all and go to the mountains and enjoy the great outdoors.
My idea of getting away from it all is going fishing with my son on the Hudson river.


日常で使える表現/ イディオム
途方もなく大きい / 日常の煩わしさから逃れる

Hi みなさん、今週もお疲れさまでした!


  • as big as all outdoors 「途方もなく大きい」

A: Have you seen the CEO’s new yacht?
B: No, I haven’t. What is it like?
A: It’s as big as all outdoors!

  • get away from it all 「日常の煩わしさから逃れる」

Go to a different place usually far away from  your workplace, city or stressful environment.

My idea of getting away from it all is going fishing with my son on the Hudson river.


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今週のレッスントピックー アウトドアについて英語で話そう

                “The Great Outdoors”

Hello everyone, how’s it going?

“The Great Outdoors” is our topic this week!
Do you enjoy spending some time in the great outdoors? I certainly do.
In this lesson, we talk about outdoor activities and places where we can do those activities for example go rafting or kayaking on the river/go fishing at the lake…
We’ll also learn names of places of natural beauty e.g. waterfalls, volcanic mountains, valleys and others and tell our classmates or teachers about the most fascinating/beautiful/breathtaking places we’ve been to.
(Share stories about our outdoor experiences)
And what next…What outdoor activities would we like to try or places of natural beauty we’d love to visit in the future.

Grammar note:

Present perfect …..past tense
Have you ever been on a Safari?
Yes, I have. I went on a Safari in South Africa and Namibia a few years ago.

Superlatives:  The most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen is…..






Have you ever been on a Safari?
Yes, I have. I went on a Safari in South Africa and Namibia a few years ago.

The most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen is…..

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What’s going on
more use of visuals/photos

Hello there, How’s everything going?
It has gotten a little chilly lately,  especially at night and in the morning.
I hope you’re all keeping healthy physically, emotionally and mentally.
Speaking of health, the Kensington Eikaiwa management, teachers and supporting staff thank all of you our students for co-operating to keep our classrooms safe by social distancing, wearing facial covering, sanitizing your hand and or taking online classes.

 At Kensington Eikaiwa we’re making constant effort to help you, our dear students improve your English language communication skills and achieve your study objectives. One of the new things you’re going to notice soon in our lessons, is more use of visuals/photos to make our lessons more interesting and engaging.  We’d like you to be able to comment on the photos, ask and answer questions about them. Of course you can share and talk about your own photos.





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ビジネス英語ーYou’re hired! 映画では聞くけど、現実でも使うの?

Business English
You’re hired!

You’re hired’ is an expression you might have heard in English movies or TV shows, when someone is given a new job. But in reality, when businesses want to hire a new employee, they will instead make an ‘offer’ to them:

‘we enjoyed meeting you yesterday, we’d like to formally offer you the position you applied for’

‘We were impressed with both your CV and interview, and we want to offer you the position
of Sales Director’

These are usually written within a formal job offer email, or sometimes is said over the
phone(followed up with a formal letter), and then the candidate can choose to accept, negotiate or decline the offer.



You’re hired! 映画では聞くけど、現実でも使うの??

You’re hired!=「採用だ!」は、海外の映画やテレビ番組で登場人物が新しい職を得た場面等で、みなさんが耳にしたことがあるかもしれない表現です。しかし現実では、事業者が新たな従業員を雇う時、彼らに対して‘offer’=「オファー、提案、申し出」をするのです。





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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons
Katakana English

The difference in phonetics between languages, especially Japanese and English, makes pronunciation of second languages hard. But if we’re aware of those differences then it can help us work on them. For example, Japanese kana is mostly based off of あ、い、う、え、おsounds, and their derivatives. But english has a much wider range of sounds.

In English, we have a lot of words that end with consonants (dog, hot, get, got etc), so my advice to students is to try not to drag those words out too much(dogu, hoto, getu, goto etc), and end them more sharply.

I would also advise students to not stress too much about those more finer details, you can still sound natural and communicate effectively without sounding exactly like a native.



学習アドバイス /最大限にレッスンを活かす

しかし、私たちがその違いについて知っておけば、対策する時に役立てることができるのです。例えば、日本語の「かな」はほとんどが、あ、い、う、え、お の音と、その派生語に基づいています。しかし英語には、はるかに幅広い音が存在します。

英語には、子音で終わる言葉がたくさんあります(dog, hot, get, got 等)。そこで、私のアドバイスは、その音を引っ張りすぎないこと(dogu, hoto, getu, goto のように)そしてよりスパッと発音を終わらせるようにすることです。



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リアム講師の自己紹介ー’Land of the Angels’ 英国の歴史は長く 多文化である

Talk about my country
English history is long and multicultural. 

Around 600 years ago, some big tribes migrated to my home country of England from mainland Europe. The language that they spoke was the beginning of the English language that you are learning today.
One of the biggest tribes was called the Angles.
The word ‘England’ originally meant ‘land of the Angles’, and ‘English’ meant ‘related to the Angles’.
Back then, ‘English’ was probably a word people used when describing that tribe, instead of language.
That’s the beginning of the origin story of ‘English’.
Isn’t it interesting how language changes over time?




 600年ほど前、いくつかの大きな部族が、ヨーロッパの本土から私の母国であるイギリスへ移住してきました。彼らが話していた言語が、みなさんが現在学習されている「英語」の始まりです。最も大きかった部族の一つはアングル族と呼ばれました。 ‘England’=「イギリス」という言葉はもともと‘land of the Angles’ =「アングル族の土地」という意味で、‘English’は 「アングル族に関係のある」という意味だったのです。その当時、多分‘English’は言語(英語)という意味ではなく、人々がその部族(アングル族)について言い表す時に用いた言葉だったのでしょう。これが‘English’の語源のはじまりのお話です。時間を経ると、言語がこんな風に変化するなんて、おもしろいですよね?


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Those were the days / The good old days

Do you ever find yourself looking back at a time in the past with fond memories, wishing you were there instead of here? Well, I have two idioms you can use to sum all that up:

‘I remember playing football in the park, those were the days’
– We remember that great time of playing football and we kind of wish that we could do it again in the same way-

‘Do you remember the good old days when Freddos cost 10p’
– ‘Freddos’ is a small chocolate bar in the U.K which is fated to cause controversy whenever its price is inevitably increased. –

Whenever it does increase in price some people will reminisce on a simpler time when things weren’t so expensive.
I hope you enjoy using those idioms.



 日常会話で使える表現 - 語ったり、懐かしんだりするときに役立つ英語表現!
Those were the days / The good old days


「公園でサッカーをしていたのを思い出すな、( those were the days=)それがあの頃だったんだ」

「Freddosが10ペンスだった、あの古き良き日々(the good old days)を覚えているかい?」ーFreddosは、イギリスで売っている小さなチョコレートバーですが、その値段が仕方なく上げられると、必ず論争が起こるのです。人によっては、その価格が上がる度に、もっとシンプルで、物がそんなに高くなかった時代のことを思い出すでしょう。



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This week’s subject :The subject is Life stages

Hello everyone,
This week’s subject is Life Stages.
From the beginning of the lesson to the end, we’ll be covering the beginning of life, to the end. As well as practicing important grammar around describing life stages (in his thirties, in your childhood, be married vs get married), and giving a short intro about the major events in our life so far.
I look forward to hearing your life story, and sharing mine.



今週のレッスントピック ー これまでの人生についておしえて!と言われたら?英語で共有できるようになろう

今週のトピックは “Life Stages” = 「ライフステージ」です。


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What we are doing in Kensington

Hello everyone,

This week I finished writing progress reports for our young learners in Kensington Academy.
It was really nice to reflect on their development, and I’m so proud of all of them for the great progress they have made.
Progress reports are helpful for parents to see how their kids are doing, and they’re helpful for us teachers, too. We can get a better idea of what individual students might need to focus on, which is especially important for young learners at the beginning of their journey with English.







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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons

This week’s topic is “Changes” – and it’s a great topic to talk about your own life. I recommend before class to do some brainstorming and think of changes in your life. Many students may try to think of big events in their life, like buying a house or getting married. However, my advice to you this week is to also think about the little things – small changes and habits that have made a big difference in your life.

For example, I used to have trouble sleeping at night. I tried many different ways to solve this problem. After trying many ideas, I discovered I’m really quite sensitive to caffeine! I love drinking coffee, but now I’m careful when I drink it. These days, I only drink coffee in the morning. After 12pm I never drink coffee! This small change really helps me to get to sleep much better at night. Sleeping well also gives me more energy and helps me to think clearer. So this small change of habit has had a really big impact on my life.

I recommend thinking of the small changes you have made – and their big effects. Also, be sure to ask your teacher about their life changes and join the discussion!


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす

今週のレッスントピックは “Changes”です。そしてそれは、あなたの人生について話すのに、素晴らしいトピックです。レッスンを受ける前にブレインストーミングをして、あなたの人生における変化について考えてみることをおすすめします。受講生のみなさんの多くは、家を買った、結婚した、というような、人生での大きな出来事について考えるかもしれません。しかしながら、今週の私からのアドバイスは、大きな出来事だけでなく、小さなこと(あなたの人生に大きな影響を与えた、小さな変化や小さな習慣)についても考えてみることです。



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