ビジス英会話 – eat someone’s lunch 誰かの昼食を食べる?!

Business English
Biz speak-eat someone’s lunch / belt tightening 

Hello everyone, Hope you’d a refreshing weekend.

In our Biz speak today, here are two business related idioms:

eat someone’s lunch    To eat someone’s lunch means to out compete or be much more successful than the competitor (in a similar business).

Amazon is eating everybody’s lunch in the online retail business.

A large supermarket that opened in our neighborhood last month is eating the small local store’s lunch.

belt tightening     To cut spending to save money, usually during bad economic times.

To survive the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses must do some belt tightening.

Manager:No non essential business trips, Ms Yamamoto. It’s one of the belt tightening measures in these tough times.

Ms. Yamamoto: I totally understand.

Have a productive week everyone.


eat someone’s lunch / belt tightening



eat someone’s lunch 

誰かの昼食を食べる、とは( 同じようなビジネスにおける) 競合に勝つ、又は競合よりも成功していることを意味します。

Amazon is eating everybody’s lunch in the online retail business.
( アマゾンはオンライン販売業界では他に勝っている。)

A large supermarket that opened in our neighborhood last month is eating the small local store’s lunch.

belt tightening  


To survive the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses must do some belt tightening.

Manager:No non essential business trips, Ms Yamamoto. It’s one of the belt tightening measures in these tough times.

Ms. Yamamoto: I totally understand.


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