今週のレッスントピック –  音楽について

This week’s subject

This week’s subject is “Music” – so we are going to be talking about all our favourite artists, albums and songs. Music is such a big part of life that I think we often forget about it! Whether we’re watching TV, surfing the web, or even shopping in the supermarket, chances are we are listening to music at various points during each day of our lives. The most important aspect of music is perhaps how it influences us, and how it has the power to change the way we feel. This is what we really want to talk about in class. Of course, we can talk about our favourite singers – but why are they our favourite? When do we listen to them, and how does their music make us feel?

For me, I like a wide variety of music. However, recently I’ve been listening a lot to the artist “The Weeknd”. I’m really into British and American pop music. In fact, The Weeknd is actually a Canadian artist, from Toronto, Ontario. He is one of the most famous artists in the world right now, and he is even due to perform at the Superbowl this year. This is perhaps the biggest sporting event of the US calendar, and the half-time show is really important because it’s watched by millions of people all over the world. His genre can be described as pop or R&B. I recommend checking out his song called “Blinding Lights” – it became a Number 1 hit in 34 countries! I often listen to his music, including this song, while I’m cooking at home. It is really upbeat, but also helps me to relax as it reminds me of my university days back in Scotland, when I used to listen to similar kinds of music.

How about you? What are you listening to these days? Please be ready to tell me and the other teachers about some great artists and share some recommendations in class!

See you then,







私は幅広いジャンルの音楽が好きです。でも最近では「The Weeknd」というというアーティストを良く聴いています。私は特にUKとアメリカのPOPミュージックが好きですが、実は彼らはカナダのトロント、オンタリオの出身です。現在では世界で最も有名なアーティストの1人で、今年のスーパーボウルでパフォーマンスをする予定さえあるのです。スーパーボウルは、おそらくアメリカで行われている最も大きいスポーツイベントで、世界中の何百万人もの人々が観る、ハーフタイムショウは本当に重要です。彼のジャンルは、POP、またはR&Bと言えるでしょう。

「Blinding Lights」という曲をチェックしてみてください。34もの国でナンバー1ヒットになった曲です!私はよく家で料理をしながらこの曲も含めて、彼の曲を聴きます。かなりアップビートですが、同じ様な種類の音楽をよく聴いていたスコットランドでの大学生時代を思い出させ、リラックスさせてくれます。



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