日常でつかえる英語表現 – “Music to my ears!”

Everyday English
“Music to my ears!”

In English, we often say “That’s music to my ears!” We say this when we hear good news, usually that directly benefits us. It means we are very happy to hear the new information. For example, last month my friend Jo asked me if I could help him to move house. You see, I drive a car here in Fukuoka, but I think Jo doesn’t know anyone else with a car! He was a little worried because he doesn’t have a driver’s licence and therefore cannot rent a car. He has a lot of stuff, including some heavy furniture, so he didn’t think he could move apartments by himself. When I gave Jo the good news and told him I had some free time on the weekend and that I could help him move apartments with my car, he was very pleased. He said, “Ross, that is music to my ears! I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.”

So the next time you hear great news, or a friend offers you help that makes your life a little better or easier, you can use this expression to let them know what a difference their help makes.



“Music to my ears!”

英語では、通常は自分たちに直接関係するような良いニュースを聞いた時によく「Music to my ears!」と言います。その知らせを聞いてとても幸せだ、という意味です。例えば、先月友人のジョーが私に、引越しの手伝いができるかどうか尋ねました。ご存知の通り、私は福岡で車を運転しています。でもジョーは免許を持っていないのでレンタカーを借りることができず、車を持っている人を誰も知らなかったので少し心配していました。彼の荷物はすごく多くて、中にはすごく重い家具もあるので一人では引越せないと思っていたのです。私がジョーに、週末に空いた時間があって、車で引越しを手伝うことができるという良いニュースを伝えた時、彼はとても喜びました。
「ロス、Music to my ears! 終わらないと思っていたよ!」


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