学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – お風呂タイムに英語で歌おう!

Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons
singing in the shower

This week’s topic is “Music” – so I thought I’d share a music related study tip. Many students feel they can’t practice speaking with the flashcards as much as they’d like to before class – because they don’t have a speaking partner at home. Well, with a little imagination I think you do have the perfect speaking partner – yourself! It’s a great idea to make role plays before class and to play both roles of the speakers in the role play. Essentially, you are having a conversation with yourself – both asking and answering the questions. 

If you want to make your conversations a little more interesting, you don’t need to just speak your role plays – you can sing them! I have a friend who does this when learning Japanese – in the shower every day! She says it’s a great way to build up her fluency – she doesn’t care if it’s 100% accurate – she just keeps singing! There is nobody there to judge her, so she says she can just relax and add new words to her favourite tunes. 

Why not give it a go, singing in the shower – in English!


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす





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