私の出身地、私自身~講師の自己紹介 – スコットランドの楽器「バグパイプ」

Talk about myself/my hometown/my country

Do you know the name of the most famous Scottish musical instrument?! I’ll give you a clue, it has a bag and some pipes! Yes, that’s right it’s called the “bagpipes”! Students often ask me if I can play the bagpipes. My answer is always the same: “No way, it’s really difficult!” Actually, not many people in Scotland can play the bagpipes – it’s not so common to learn. You need to practice a lot and they are very noisy, so it’s difficult to play them at home. If you do, your neighbours won’t like you for sure! Also, to play the bagpipes you need powerful lungs. It takes a lot of energy to blow into the pipes to play a full song, so it’s very tiring.

People often ask me if I like the sound of bagpipes. Well, I think it depends on the time and the place. I used to work on Edinburgh’s main street, with lots of tourists, and so I had to listen to a bagpiper playing the same songs (really loudly!) every day – it was awful!! However, we usually listen to bagpipe music when we go to an end of year party and do Scottish dancing. Here, I love listening to bagpipe music – it has lots of energy and is great to dance to! And it makes me a little proud to be Scottish too!

If you want an idea of Scottish dancing and bagpipe music, check out the dance called “The Eightsome Reel” on Youtube, it’s one of the most famous ones.

Let me know what you think in class!







もしあなたがスコットランドの音楽とダンスについて知りたければ、Youtubeで「The Eightsome Reel」を調べてみてください。とても有名な曲の1つです。


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