日常でつかえる英語表現 – “interested in”の使い方

Everyday English
How to use “interested in”

One of the targets of our level 1 classes this week is the usage of “interested in”. Students sometimes confuse “interested in” and “interesting”. As with all ed/ing adjectives, the -ed adjective describes a feeling and the -ing adjective an opinion.

  • I’m interested in sports. (That’s a feeling, I feel interested)
  • I think sports are interesting. (That’s an opinion)

There are so many ed/ing adjectives for example, excited / exciting

  • I’m excited about our new school in Josuimachi. (That’s a feeling, I feel excited)
  • Tokyo is an exciting city. (That’s an opinion)

Going back to ”interested in” some usual questions are:

  • What are you interested in?
  • Are you interested in Japanese culture?

Let’s use them in class!


“interested in”の使い方

今週のレベル1クラスのターゲットは“interested in”の使用です。

生徒の皆さんは時々、“interested in” (興味がある)と “interesting”(興味深い)を混乱して使っていることがあります。

ed / ing (形容詞)は、-ed 形容詞は「気持ち」を、-ing 形容詞は「物事に対する意見」を表現しています。

  • I’m interested in sports. (気持ち)
    I think sports are interesting. (意見)

他にも ed / ing 形容詞はたくさんあります。
例えば、excited (楽しみである)/ exciting(楽しそう)です。

  • I’m excited about our new school in Josuimachi.  (気持ち)
  • Tokyo is an exciting city. (意見)

”interested in”の話に戻って、これを使った質問には以下のようなものがあります。

  • What are you interested in?
  • Are you interested in Japanese culture?



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