私の出身地、私自身~講師の自己紹介 – 人生の幸せとは

Talk about myself/my hometown/my country
Happiness in life

Our new class is finally ready and it’s called “Looking for something”. (If you haven’t taken it yet, please contact us to arrange it for you!)

There are some really interesting questions for me in the level 3 class, mainly 

  • Is there anything that you would like to change about your life
  • What do you think makes a happy life?
  • What do you think you should change to make your life happier?
  • What should you be looking for in your life?

I think most of us go through life without thinking so much about the questions above even though we only have one life and a reasonable target for our life would be to make that one life of ours as pleasant, meaningful and rewarding as possible.

Personally, I feel really lucky that I have a job I really love doing and with people I love working with, so there is not much that I would like to change about my working life. I think I hit my nadir about 12 years or so ago when I was working for terrible schools, without ever getting any sort of training, without any chance to improve my skills or for professional development and generally being ashamed of my work and to a certain extent of myself. 

It was with that in mind that Jaimie and I decided to start our own school; we didn’t want others to feel how we felt working for certain Eikaiwas in Fukuoka. We wanted to give a platform for people to try, fail and ultimately learn and create a number of things, we wanted to help our employees improve their skills and further their careers, we wanted our people to be proud of working at our school.

Nobody is perfect and neither are we, but I think to a certain extent we have succeeded in that. Our teachers and staff all say that this is a great place to both work but also to study. Creating something great, something worthwhile was always what we hoped to achieve with Kensington and Kensington Kids.

This is the purpose of my life too until the next challenge!
Join our Journey!




ついに新しいレッスンカリキュラムが完成しました。名前は「Looking for something」です。もしまだこのレッスンを受講されていなければ、ぜひご予約確認のご連絡下さい!


  • Is there anything that you would like to change about your life?あなたの人生で変えたいことはありますか?
  • What do you think makes a happy life?
  • What do you think you should change to make your life happier?
  • What should you be looking for in your life?






Join our Journey!


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Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa




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