ビジネス英会話 – 短期間の結果に捉われないで

Business English
Don’t focus on short term results

We started Kensington about 7 years back, and it has been kind of a rollercoaster. The beginning looked really promising!! We opened up with about 30 students in our second month (June) , wow, we were surely going to be a success, weren’t we. We started projecting 100 students by the end of the year.

Well that didn’t really happen, at the end of the year we had 35 students, so we added 5 new students in 7 months. During those 7 months we started becoming really focused on the month to month number of new students and of enquiries. I think I was almost obsessed with it and the fact that we weren’t getting any new students frankly made me almost depressed. I was so invested in our school and strongly believed that we were offering something original and something that other schools didn’t. Why couldn’t our potential customers see that?

It was because of one of my students that I changed my way of thinking. He’s older than me and much more experienced in business than me, especially at that point of time. I told him about our struggles and about how hard it was to get new students month over month and how worried I felt. Hearing that, he advised me to stop caring so much about month to month figures, a few months is really nothing in a young company’s life. He said that you should try the best you can and if the results are not good over a longer period of time (say over 2 years) then you should be worried.

It was a very simple piece of advice, a very common sense type of thing but it really changed how I felt about our company. I stopped focusing too much on the month to month numbers and as years passed the numbers started growing. Working real hard, trying your best, being nice to your customers and to your staff and always trying to improve your products and services finally usually works out! 

And it did for us, at least until the pandemic came and hit us really hard. But I still think that this is temporary and if we continue to do the right thing, continue working hard we’re going to start growing again when the pandemic ends. Well in any case we are going to do anything in our powers to make that happen.

Of course I’m not advising companies to not care about their month to month cash flow, that would be grossly irresponsible. I think we should look at it through the larger context of the ebbs and flows every business experiences in a longer period of time. 



ビジネス英会話 – 短期間の結果に捉われないで











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