日常でつかえる英語表現 – 「Time」を使った表現

Everyday English
Expressions with Time

Hey everyone, since we are going to be talking about time in this week’s classes, I’d like to introduce you to some expressions with the word “time” that we use.

Time drags: we use this expression when time goes by very slowly, usually cause we are bored.
Ex. Everytime I meet him, time just drags, he’s so boring!!

Time flies: When time goes by very quickly usually because we are doing a fun activity
Ex. Wow it’s already time to finish? Time really flies in Kensington!!

Kill time: We use this expression when we need to be in a place or wait for something and choose an activity to occupy our time.
Ex. I had to wait for my next flight so I killed time by walking around the airport a couple of times.

Waste time: When you think you have used your (or someone else’s) time unwisely, unproductively.
Ex. I had an appointment with him and he came both late but also unprepared. He really wasted my time yesterday.

That’s all, hope that helps!!




Time drags: 通常は、退屈で時間が過ぎるのがとても遅くに感じる時に使う表現
例:Everytime I meet him, time just drags, he’s so boring!!
彼って本当につまらない!! 彼に会うといつも時間が過ぎるのがとても遅く感じるの。

Time flies: 楽しいことをしていると時間があっという間に過ぎて行くこと
例: Wow it’s already time to finish? Time really flies in Kensington!!

Kill time:時間を潰すこと。その場にいる必要があったり、何かを待っていなければいけない時、時間を費やす為にやることを選ぶこと。
例:I had to wait for my next flight so I killed time by walking around the airport a couple of times.

Waste time: あなたや他の誰かの時間を、ばかばかしく非生産的に使うこと。
例: I had an appointment with him and he came both late but also unprepared. He really wasted my time yesterday.


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