
Talk about myself/my hometown/my country
Making the most of it.

Making the most of it.

There’s been a lot of unpleasant news the last couple of years and as you know, I like to complain a lot but I have to say that some of what has been going on has probably changed my life for the better. Before the pandemic came along I couldn’t stand spending time in the house but over the last couple of years I have finally learned some patience and can now spend time at home without tearing my hair out. Spending more time at home has enabled me to start doing something that I love again, which is reading. I used to be an avid reader but with distractions like the pub, having  two young children, and work and the pub again,  I don’t think I touched a book for about 10 years. That all changed last year and I have been able to get through a book every couple of months or so and I have to say my brain seems to have magically come back to life! If you are a bit of a science fiction fan such as myself I can recommend a great book called “The Three Body Problem” which I read last year.  It was an easy read, very imaginative, and I will probably reread it sometime in the near future. 

The other positive thing that this last couple of years has had is my kids’ English. I spend much more time working from home now and especially last year in spring their English ability started going through the roof due to my strict English only policy in the house.

In English we have a saying that “Every dark cloud has a silver lining”so even though it’s been a rough couple of years in many ways I think I’ve managed to make some good out of it and I hope you have too!




もしあなたが私と同様に、SFのファンなら、昨年読んだ本の中から「The Three Body Problem – 三体- 」という、素晴らしい本をオススメします。


英語には、“Every dark cloud has a silver lining どんなに困難な状況でも何か良いことがあるという言葉があります。色々と大変だった2年間ですが、そんな中でもいくつかは良いことを生み出せたと思っていますし、皆さんもそうであって欲しいと思っています!


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