「vote with your feet」ってどういう意味?足で投票する?!【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Vote with your feet

「vote with your feet」足で投票? 奇妙に聞こえますよね?

このブログでは、「vote with your feet」の意味や、会話などでの使われ方についてご紹介し、疑問を解消していきたいと思います。


「vote with your feet」の意味

「vote with your feet」とは、好きなものであればそれを買うこと、嫌いなものであればそれを買わないことなど、何らかの行動で自分の意見を表明することを言います。




「vote with your feet」の起源




「vote with your feet」の例文


When the price of concert tickets nearly doubled, music fans voted with their feet and didn’t go to the concerts.

Opponents of the fur trade are trying to get people to vote with their feet by refusing to buy from shops that sell any clothes that use fur.

I’m really frustrated with how our company is handling this project. They keep changing the requirements and the deadline is impossible to meet.

That sounds tough. Have you talked to your manager about it?

Yes, but they don’t seem to be listening. I’m starting to think it might be time to vote with my feet and look for a new job.

これで、「vote with your feet」というイディオムがもう奇妙に聞こえなくなりましたね。


[English version]

Vote with your what? Feet? 

It sounds strange, doesn’t it? 

In the following few paragraphs, I’ll clear up the strangeness as I explain the meaning of the idiom and how to use it in conversations, publications, correspondences, etc.


If you vote with your feet, you show your opinion of something by acting in a certain way, such as by buying something if you like it, or by not buying it if you don’t like it.

Or express your opinion or preference by choosing to participate or not in a particular activity, organization, or place by physically leaving or joining it.

Or simply, express your opinions through your actions.

Possible Origins

.The origins of this idiom is not entirely clear, but some people think it originated in the United States in the 20th century. It might be related to the way people vote in elections, where they choose who they want to be in charge.


Here are some examples of how this expression can be used


When the price of concert tickets nearly doubled, music fans voted with their feet and didn’t go to the concerts.


Opponents of the fur trade are trying to get people to vote with their feet by refusing to buy from shops that sell any clothes that use fur.

And a dialogue:

Speaker A: I’m really frustrated with how our company is handling this project. They keep changing the requirements and the deadline is impossible to meet.

Speaker B: That sounds tough. Have you talked to your manager about it?

Speaker A: Yes, but they don’t seem to be listening. I’m starting to think it might be time to vote with my feet and look for a new job.

I’m sure  now the idiom “vote with one’s feet” doesn’t sound strange anymore, does it?


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