目玉焼きは英語で「sunny side up」でも使い方に注意【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Sunny Side Up

そのイディオムは「sunny side up」です。
このブログでは「sunny side up」の意味や使い方を例文を使ってご紹介していきます!






「sunny side up」の意味

「sunny side up」とは、一方の面だけ焼かれた卵のこと。

THE FREE DICTIONARY: sunny side up


「sunny side up」のよくある間違い

「sunny side up (片面だけ焼いた[卵])」と「fried egg (目玉焼き)」は似ていますが、文中での使われ方は異なります。

「sunny side up」というのは、卵の話の場合、片面だけを焼く調理法のことを言います。


I ate fried eggs on toast for breakfast.


How do you like your eggs?

Sunny side up please.


「sunny side up」の例文

I really don’t like my eggs cooked hard. It’s always been sunny side up or nothing for me.

James is a really nice guy. He’s always sunny side up about everything and he never has a bad word to say about anything or anyone. He just takes life as it comes.

It’s not always sunny side up you know! You need to plan a bit for the future and prepare for hard times ahead.


「sunny side up」の類似フレーズ

all smiles (上機嫌で、満面に笑みを浮かべて) 

I ran into Jenny the other day and she was all smiles because she’d finished her thesis.

full of the joys of spring (幸せいっぱい、喜びいっぱい) 

Aさん:Wow! You’re full of the joys of spring today. What’s going on?

Bさん:Well, I wanted to keep it a secret but John asked me to marry him yesterday.


[English version]

Hello there everyone. Today we are going to use a food idiom, there are millions to choose from but this one particular is something that a lot of my students seem to have confused in their minds. “sunny side up”


An egg only cooked on one side.
To be bright, cheerful, and optimistic


Common Mistake

Sunny side up= fried egg X

Actually sunny side up just means that when the egg is fried it is only fried on one side and not flipped so we would usually say.

I ate fried eggs on toast for breakfast. O

How do you like your eggs?

Sunny side up please. O

Example Sentences

  • ● I really don’t like my eggs cooked hard. It’s always been sunny side up or nothing for me.
  • ● James is a really nice guy. He’s always sunny side up about everything and he never has a bad word to say about anything or anyone. He just takes life as it comes.
  • ● It’s not always sunny side up you know! You need to plan a bit for the future and prepare for hard times ahead.

Similar Phrases

All smiles ( seeming happy/ pleased)

I ran into Jenny the other day and she was all smiles because she’d finished her thesis.

Full of the joys of spring ( seeming happy and energetic)

A. “Wow! You’re full of the joys of spring today. What’s going on?”
B. “Well, I wanted to keep it a secret but John asked me to marry him yesterday. “


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