「白熱した議論」「激論」は英語でなんて言うの? – heated debate

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Get into a Heated Debate

「Get into a heated debate(白熱した議論をする)」は、英語でよく使われる表現で、2人以上の間での激しい議論や意見の相違を表しています。


「get into a heated debate」を使った例文

「get into a debate」を使った英語の例文をご紹介します。

My brother and I got into a very heated debate about politics last night. He got pretty angry and I raised my voice quite a bit

My bosses ended up getting into a heated debate about what to do with a certain lesson we were talking about. It was intense!

I don’t want to talk about this, because if we do, we’ll definitely get heated.


白熱した議論 (heated debate) を扱うための戦略




これで、白熱した議論(heated debate)について英語で話せるだけでなく、激論を避ける際にも、このフレーズのの使い方が分かるようになりましたね。


[English version]

“Get into a heated debate” is a common phrase used in English conversation to describe a passionate argument or disagreement between two or more individuals. The phrase implies that the discussion has become intense, emotional, and maybe even confrontational. This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, from political debates to discussions about personal beliefs and values. It can even be about simpler things, like food or music.

Examples in English

Some examples of using the phrase heated debate include:

“My brother and I got into a very heated debate about politics last night. He got pretty angry and I raised my voice quite a bit”

“My bosses ended up getting into a heated debate about what to do with a certain lesson we were talking about. It was intense!”

“I don’t want to talk about this, because if we do, we’ll definitely get heated.”

Strategies for handling a heated debate

When engaging in a heated debate, it’s important to remain calm and respectful, even if the conversation becomes tense. Strategies for managing a heated debate include actively listening to the other person’s perspective, acknowledging their point of view, and finding common ground. You can also use mirroring as a technique to ‘summarize’ the other person’s point of view, showing that you are listening to them.

Chill Out!

In the end, getting into a heated debate can be a pretty fun and engaging experience, but you have to always keep in mind to learn to relax and not take it too seriously. Learning conversational skills like mirroring and listening intently will help a lot, and now you know how to use the phrase not just with talking about experiences, but also asking to avoid a heated debate.


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