「Date Night」ってどういう意味?夜のデート?【例文つき解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Date Night」ってどういう意味?夜のデート?【例文つき解説】

「Date Night」という英語表現がカップルの間でときどき使われます。
それでは、「Date Night」とは具体的に何を意味するのでしょうか?



「date (デート)」という概念とは逆に、「date night」は、すでにロマンチックな関係にあるカップルの間でしか話題にされません。
つまり、「date (デート)」を始めたばかりの人々ではないのです。
この考え方は、人々が恋愛関係に入ると、一般的にはもう「date (デート)」をしなくなり、一緒に生活する日常が普通になる、というところから生まれています。
カップルが初めて出会ったときのワクワク感を再び体験するための一つの方法が、「date nights」で、まるで初めてか二回目のデートのように一緒に時間を過ごすのです。


「date night」を使った例文


Me and my wife recently organized a date night. It was really nice.

I think my girlfriend and I should really have a date night again.

We should have a date night one day, without the kids.



「date night」というフレーズは非常に文脈に依存するので、必ずしも覚えたり頻繁に使う必要はありません。

このフレーズを知ることで、ネイティブスピーカーが「date nightを過ごした」と言ったときに意味を理解することができるでしょう。







What Does it Mean to Have a “Date Night”?

An expression in English that is sometimes used among couples is the phrase “Date Night”. It’s not necessarily used frequently and it’s likely you won’t hear it all that often when out and about, but in conversations among friends it may be something you’ll hear – so what does it mean, exactly?

Dates for Couples

Contrary to the concept of a “date”, a date night is only really spoken among couples that are already in a romantic relationship, not people who have begun dating. The idea stems from the fact that when people enter into a relationship, they generally don’t “date” anymore and the general daily routine of living together becomes normal. A way for couples to relive their initial excitement of meeting each other for the first time is by having “date nights”, where they spend time together as if it were a first or second date. 

How to Use it in Conversation

The phrase can be used in a number of ways, with some common ones highlighted below:

“Me and my wife recently organized a date night. It was really nice.”

“I think my girlfriend and I should really have a date night again.”

“We should have a date night one day, without the kids.”

Not Necessary, but Occasionally Useful

The phrase of date night isn’t a necessary one to remember or use frequently, as it’s very contextually dependent. In fact, it’s likely the case that the phrase is now becoming an older one among different generations as it is not so commonly used, at least in some Western countries.

However, you may hear it in popular media here and there, and when in conversation with native speakers, you’ll now understand what it means when they say they had a “date night”.

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