月別アーカイブ: 2023年8月








例えば、太陽が上にある木は、その下の床に「shadow (影)」を投影します。
光を遮っているので、「shadow (影)」ができるのです。

私たちは「shade (陰)」で座ったり休んだりします。それは木の「shadow (影)」です。
確かに「sit in the shadows (影に座る)」と言うことはできますが、これは一般的な英語としてはあまり一般的ではありませんし、「in the shadows (影にいる)」というのは、何かを隠しているかのような悪い意味合いを持つことがあります。

化粧品においては、リップスティックのピンクの「shade (濃淡、色合い)」がたくさんありますし、色彩理論では、緑や青、赤の様々な「shade (濃淡、色合い)」もまた豊富にあります。




That tree has a really long shadow because of the angle of the sun!

The shadow of the building is blocking the sun from hitting our house

The shadows during sunset are really amazing





Let’s sit in the shade, it’s super hot today

Keep the ice cream in the shade so it doesn’t melt

The shades of colour he used in the painting are beautiful

I love the shade of this curtain



色の濃淡 (shades)

色を理解するには、光、影、色の温度を理解する必要があり、これには色の「shade (濃淡、色合い)」や光がどのように異なる「shade (濃淡、色合い)」を生み出すのかを理解することからきます。








Welcome to another Kensington Blog. Today’s topic will be about the two words of “Shade” and “Shadow”, how they function within English speech, differences, use cases and why we use them in certain ways. This is a common question among many Japanese learners so hopefully this article will be of great use. Let’s first start with the differences.

The Differences

If we look at the definition of both shade and shadow, they fundamentally mean the same thing. The “shadow” of a tree is also the “shade” of the tree, but there is some nuance to this.

A shadow is the darkened area from an object that is obstructing a certain light source. For example, a tree with the sun over it will cast a shadow onto the floor under it. It is blocking light, therefore it creates a shadow.

The shade is the same thing, but we use it within different contexts. We “sit” or “rest” in the shade, which is the shadow of a tree. We can certainly “sit in the shadows”, but this tends to come off as uncommon English and someone being “in the shadows” can carry a negative connotation, as if they are hiding something. This is commonly used in story telling to talk about someone like a thief or ninja.

Another meaning of “shade” however is referring to different gradients of colours. In cosmetics, there are many “shades” of pink with lipstick as there are many shades of greens, blues and reds in colour theory. This carries a totally different meaning to “shadow”, so that is another use case of the word “shade”.

Examples of Using “Shadow”

Here are some example sentences showing how to use the word “shadow” in English.

“That tree has a really long shadow because of the angle of the sun!”

“The shadow of the building is blocking the sun from hitting our house”

“The shadows during sunset are really amazing”.

As you can see, “shadow” is very specific in how it’s used – mainly it refers directly to objects and the obstruction they cause with their shadow.

Examples of Using “Shade”

Here are some examples of shade in a sentence.

“Let’s sit in the shade, it’s super hot today”

“Keep the ice cream in the shade so it doesn’t melt”

“The shades of colour he used in the painting are beautiful”

“I love the shade of this curtain”

Shade is much more flexible in its use and can be incorporated not just to talk about the weather and activities, but also describing colours and art.

Shades of Colour

Shade is something I am personally very used to using in my own speaking, as I have experience in art and painting. Understanding colours requires understanding light, shadow and colour temperature, and part of this comes with understanding the shades of colour and how light produces different shades. It’s a fascinating topic to learn about as you begin to understand just how important light is in almost everything we do, even regarding our energy. It will also help you understand how the “shade” of a “shadow” doesn’t look totally black, but instead may have a blue or orange hue to it. That’s colour theory and temperature, but not something for this article!

Hopefully the explanations above give you a clear understanding as to how both words differ.

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「local delicacy」ってどういう意味? – ご当地グルメ・地元の名物【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「local delicacy」ってどういう意味? - ご当地グルメ・地元の名物【例文つきで解説】

そこで今日は、食べ物好きのみなさんにとって必須の言葉の一つ「local delicacy」について深く掘り下げてお話します。


「local delicacy」の意味

私たちが「local delicacy」という言葉を使うとき、特定の料理や食品が文化的または地域的に重要であることを強調しています。


「local delicacy」を使った例文

「local delicacy」の使い方の例をいくつかご紹介します。


Fukuoka is renowned for its local delicacies, such as Hakata ramen and mentaiko (spicy cod roe).
(福岡は博多ラーメンや明太子 [辛いたらこ] などのご当時グルメで有名です。)

When visiting Fukuoka, make sure to try motsunabe, a famous local delicacy consisting of offal, leek and cabbage cooked in a flavorful broth.

The street stalls (yatai) in Fukuoka offer a variety of delicious local delicacies, including yakitori (grilled skewered chicken) and Tonkotsu ramen.
(福岡の屋台には、焼き鳥 [鶏の串焼き] や豚骨ラーメンなど、美味しいご当地グルメがたくさんあります。)



「local delicacy」の他にご紹介したい食に関連する便利な単語は、「cuisine」、「culinary」、「foodie」です。
例えば、日本食のすべてについて話すとき、私たちは「the Japanese cuisine」と言います。
同様に、福岡の食べ物について話すとき、私たちは「the Fukuoka cuisine」と言います。


I really love the Kyushu cuisine, it’s simple, cheap and delicious.

This restaurant is famous for its creative cuisine.




Motsunabe is a culinary delight!

Hakata is a culinary paradise.

That chef is a culinary genius!!!


英語では通常、食べ物が大好きな人を「a foodie」と呼びます。


私のお気に入りの「local delicacy」








Conversing about food, cultural experiences, and exploring local cuisines is something most people enjoy doing and as such learning useful English expressions to be able to better communicate about these topics is really important for us here in Kensington Eikaiwa. Today we will talk in depth about one such expression which should be in every foodie’s lingo. 

Meaning of “local delicacy”

When we refer to a “local delicacy,” we are highlighting a specific dish or food item that holds significant cultural or regional importance. It usually would represent the authentic flavors, traditions, and culinary heritage of a particular place and would be cherished and celebrated by locals and tourists alike for their unique tastes and cultural significance.

Example sentences with “local delicacy” 

Here are some examples of how to use “local delicacy” in a sentence. 

  • Ex. Fukuoka is renowned for its local delicacies, such as Hakata ramen and mentaiko (spicy cod roe).
  • Ex. When visiting Fukuoka, make sure to try motsunabe, a famous local delicacy consisting of offal, leek and cabbage cooked in a flavorful broth.
  • Ex. The street stalls (yatai) in Fukuoka offer a variety of delicious local delicacies, including yakitori (grilled skewered chicken) and Tonkotsu ramen.

Other useful words and expressions related to food

Some other useful words related to food that I would like to introduce are “cuisine”, “culinary” and “foodie”. Cuisine means food particular to a country, region, establishment or style. For example when we talk about all Japanese food, we can say “the Japanese cuisine”. Similarly when we talk about Fukuoka food we can say “The Fukuoka cuisine”. 

  • Ex. I really love the Kyushu cuisine, it’s simple, cheap and delicious. 
  • Ex. This restaurant is famous for its creative cuisine. 

Another word we use a lot when talking about food is “culinary” which basically is the adjective of “food” or “cooking”

  • Ex. Motsunabe is a culinary delight!
  • Ex. Hakata is a culinary paradise.  
  • Ex. That chef is a culinary genius!!!

One word that we don’t use so much in English is “gourmet”. While it can be used in English, it’s not used anywhere nearly as commonly as it’s used in Japanese. In English we would usually call someone that really loves food “a foodie”.

My favourite local delicacy

It’s really hard for me to pick one Kyushu food I like the most as in my opinion the Kyushu cuisine is amazing and filled with delicious local delicacies. If I had to pick one food then I would probably pick the raw fish (sashimi) which is delicious across the whole island of Kyushu. 

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「ripe」は一般的に、果物が食べごろの時に使います。 (a ripe banana [熟したバナナ] など)。
また、何かを行うのに適切な時期が来たことを意味する場面 (the time is ripe for action [行動を起こすのに適切な時期]など)や、何かが悪臭を放つ場面(a ripe smell [悪臭がする] など)、または年配を意味するイディオムとしても使われます (the ripe old age of 95 [95歳の高齢]など)。


Don’t eat the pears I bought yesterday, they aren’t ripe yet and you’ll get a sore stomach.

I’ve looked around and there are very few English schools in Hakata. It’s ripe for the taking, let’s open the next Kensington there!!!

Oh my goodness! Please take all the dirty socks and put them in the washing machine. Your room smells ripe!

My grandfather never smoked or drank and exercised every day of his life. He lived to the ripe old age of 101.





After dinner we were given a cheese plate which had the best mature cheddar I’ve ever tasted.

I have four kids. Two boys and two girls and I really think it’s true that girls mature faster than boys.











Hello there everyone, the topic for today’s blog is the word “ripe”. I’d like to introduce this word to you because it has a few different meanings that may be slightly confusing for non-native speakers and it can also easily be confused with the word “mature” which has a slightly different meaning.

What Does Ripe Mean? 

Ripe is generally used to talk about when a fruit is ready to eat.( a ripe banana etc.)  It also means that the time has come for something to be done ( the time is ripe for action etc.), something smells bad ( a ripe smell) and can also be used in an idiom to mean elderly ( the ripe old age of 95)

Example Sentences

  • Don’t eat the pears I bought yesterday, they aren’t ripe yet and you’ll get a sore stomach.
  • I’ve looked around and there are very few English schools in Hakata. It’s ripe for the taking, let’s open the next Kensington there!!!
  • Oh my goodness! Please take all the dirty socks and put them in the washing machine. Your room smells ripe!
  • My grandfather never smoked or drank and exercised every day of his life. He lived to the ripe old age of 101. 

Ripe vs Mature

Sometimes my students get these two mixed up. Ripe is used to talk about when fruits are ready to eat or the time is right for action to be taken but mature refers more to when a wine or cheese has aged and tastes better for it or when a person has gone from childhood into adulthood. 

  • After dinner we were given a cheese plate which had the best mature cheddar I’ve ever tasted. 
  • I have four kids. Two boys and two girls and I really think it’s true that girls mature faster than boys. 

So there we have it. The word ripe is an adjective to describe the perfect time for something to be done, used, developed, taken over, eaten and much much more and is not to be confused with mature which pertains to the fact that something has improved with age. 

Hope that comes in handy. 


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「shake things up」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「shake things up」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】


「Who will shake things up in Washington, DonaldTrump or Hillary Clinton?」

この「Shake things up」とは何でしょうか?


「shake things up」の意味と例文

「shake things up」とは、状況や組織、システムなどに変更を加えたり、導入したりして、物事をより興味深くしたり、パフォーマンスを向上させることを意味します。


The fashion industry is always looking for ways to shake things up and set new trends.

We expect the new management team to shake things up by introducing new ideas and strategies to improve the company’s business performance.

I think it’s time to shake things up and try new activities to make our weekends more exciting.


「shake things up」の類義語

⚫️Reorganize (再編成)
⚫️Rearrange (再配置)
⚫️Restructure (再構築)


Our sales have risen dramatically in the last three or four months, Yumi.

Yes, the numbers are looking better since the sales team was reorganized a couple of months ago.


We’ve rearranged the furniture in our office. It looks nicer!


⚫️shake someone up (感情を揺さぶる)

関連する表現に「shake someone up」があります。


The news of the death of former Prime minister Abe, shook up the entire nation of Japan.

The horror movie shook my daughter up. She didn’t sleep well for several nights.


私の私生活での「shake things up」




「shake things up」というイディオムは、物事をより活動的に、興味深く、または挑戦的にする行為を表すために使われます。そしてこれはしばしば素早く行われます。

いかがでしたか?ここまでお読みいただいた方は、私が冒頭にお話した、2016年のアメリカ人に対する質問「Who will shake things up in Washington, D Trump or H Clinton?」の意味が理解できたのではないでしょうか。







Hello there, I hope you’re all doing well at work, home, school and wherever you’re. In 2016, Americans were asked a question;  “Who will shake things up in Washington, DonaldTrump or Hillary Clinton?”
Well, what is to shake things up?
In a few paragraphs, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this idiom that is used in many aspects of life.


To shake things up means to make  or introduce changes to a situation, organization, system etc, to make things more interesting or improve performance. It’s like vigorously shaking a jar full of different colored jelly beans. The colors will mix up differently after the shaking. This idiom can be used in various aspects of life such as business or work, relationships, personal development and others.


The fashion industry is always looking for ways to shake things up and set new trends. 

We expect the new management team to shake things up by introducing new ideas and strategies to improve the company’s business performance.

I think it’s time to shake things up and try new activities to make our weekends more exciting.

Similar words 

Jane: Our sales have risen dramatically in the last three or four months, Yumi.
Yumi: Yes, the numbers are looking better since the sales team was reorganized a couple of months ago.

We’ve rearranged the furniture in our office. It looks nicer!

Shake someone up

Another related expression is “shake someone up” which means to disturb, upset or shock someone emotionally or mentally. It often implies shocking or surprising someone in a way that makes them have a strong reaction.
The news of the death of former Prime minister Abe, shook up the entire  nation of Japan.

The horror movie shook my daughter up. She didn’t sleep well for several nights.

 Shaking things up in my personal life:

I wouldn’t say big shake ups in my personal life lately but, I’m helping with the house chores more often than I used to do, I exercise almost everyday and I have been meditating for 10-15 minutes twice a day for about two months. I feel those changes have made my life better.

Overall, the idiom shake things up is used to describe the act of making things more dynamic, interesting or even challenging, often very quickly.
I’m sure now the 2016 question to Americans  “Who will shake things up in Washington, D Trump or H Clinton?” makes sense, doesn’t it?

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