月別アーカイブ: 2023年9月

「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】


今日のブログでは、英会話でときどき耳にする「It feels like home」という言葉について具体的に話していきます。
この表現は、カジュアルな会話での「nostalgia (ノスタルジア、郷愁、過去を懐かしむ心)」という感情を特に指しているので、知っておくと便利です。


「it feels like home」の意味

「it feels like home」は、あなたや他の誰かが経験する、懐かしい感覚を表現する言葉です。

ある日、一般的な日本のサービス、匂い、音、スタッフ全員が日本語を話す本物の日本のレストランに行くと、あなたの母国を思い出させ、「feel like home (故郷のように感じる)」でしょう。

例えば、「it tastes just like home (それはまるで故郷の味だ)」のように、あなたの母国や子どもの頃の料理に対する懐かしさを感じさせる何かを味わった時にも使えます。


「it feels like home」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

「it feels like home」を使った例文をご紹介します。

Oh wow, this restaurant feels like home. It’s so similar!

I went to my friend’s house and they cooked some Japanese dishes. It felt just like home

I set up my room here so it feels just like home back in Japan.


「it feels like home」の類似フレーズと単語

「It feels like home」に似たフレーズと単語には以下のようなものがあります。


I’m very nostalgic when I go there.


reminds me of home

This place reminds me of my home



This music is very homely, and makes me nostalgic.



特にトルココーヒーは素晴らしく、「spring in my step 」(元気) をもらえました。

「spring in my step」についての記事はこちらから→「have a spring in your step」ってどういう意味?バネがある?!- 元気な足取り・元気いっぱい

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】







Today’s blog post will specifically be talking about the term that is sometimes heard in the English language, “It feels like home”. It’s not as commonplace as it used to be as English is a constantly evolving language with new idioms produced year by year, however it may still be heard within certain cultures and is a useful one to know, as it specifically refers to the concept of nostalgia in a casual conversation.

What Does It Mean?

“It feels like home” is a term to describe a nostalgic sensation from an experience that you or someone is having. An example of this would be living in another country, and one day you go to an authentic Japanese restaurant which welcomes you in a typical Japanese service fashion, has similar smells, sounds and the staff all speak Japanese. In this case, you’d be reminded of your home country and thus it would “feel like home”. It can also be used within smaller contexts and with minor shifts in the sentence, such as “it tastes just like home” when you try something that brings about nostalgia for your home country or maybe even cooking from your childhood.

Use Case Examples

Some examples of how to use the phrase are below:

“Oh wow, this restaurant feels like home. It’s so similar!”

“I went to my friend’s house and they cooked some Japanese dishes. It felt just like home”

“I set up my room here so it feels just like home back in Japan.”

Similar Phrases and Words

Some phrases and words that are similar to “It feels like home” include:

  • Nostalgia i.e “I’m very nostalgic when I go there.”
  • “reminds me of home” i.e. “This place reminds me of my home”
  • “Homely” i.e. “This music is very homely, and makes me nostalgic.”

Times When I Felt Nostalgic

A specific time I felt rather nostalgic and felt like I was at home was when I went to a Turkish restaurant in Japan. While I am not Turkish, the food is extremely similar to the food I ate when I was a child, which was of a Serbian variety. The tastes, atmosphere and music all made it feel like home. It was very nostalgic. The Turkish Coffee in particular was wonderful, and put a “spring in my step.”

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「私の好きな食べ物は…」を英語で言う方法【food I like】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like


今日は、日常生活でよく使われるフレーズ、会話で頻繁に出てくる「私の好きな食べ物 (food I like)」について深く掘り下げていきます。







これは、特に初級レベルの生徒さんが間違えることが多いのですが、「好きな食べ物」を直訳して「like food」と言うことがあります。
例えば「I like food is curry」と言うことがあります。

これは英語では間違っていて、「好きな食べ物」は英語では「food I like」や「my favourite foods」となります。

「food I like」と「my favourite foods」の意味はわずかに異なりますが、どちらも「好きな食べ物」を表すのに使うことができるので、頭に入れておいてください。


「food I like」と「my favourite foods」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like

「food I like」と「my favourite foods」を自然に使用した例文をご紹介します。

My favourite food in Fukuoka is motsunabe. It’s delicious!

One of my favourite foods in Japan is tempura. It goes well with beer!

A food I like to eat in the morning is yesterday’s pizza paired with some coffee.

What are some foods you like?


「favorite food」と「food I like」の違いと例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like



My favourite city in Japan is Fukuoka.



One of my favourite foods is pizza.


food I like」の使い方は、特に英語初心者の生徒さんには少し難しいでしょう。


Pizza is a food I like.

多くの人は上記の言い方の代わりに単に「I like pizza」と言うかと思います。




ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like




「私の好きな食べ物」を英語で簡単に表現する方法は「My favorite food」です。
例えば、favourite song(お気に入りの歌)、favourite day(お気に入りの日)、favourite drink(お気に入りの飲み物)、あるいはfavourite English school (お気に入りの英語学校)など。







Hello there,Enlglish language enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to be diving into a common phrase used in daily life, one that often pops up in conversations about personal preferences: “私の好きな食べ物” in Japanese. We’ll explore how to express this phrase in English, its relevance in various situations, and why mastering it is essential for effective communication.

How to Say “私の好きな食べ物” in English

This is something many of my students get wrong especially in lower levels. They sometimes translate 好き な 食べ物 directly from Japanese as “like food”. For example, they would say “I like food is curry”.

That is of course wrong in English. In English 好き な 食べ物 is “ food I like” or “my favourite foods”. Please keep in mind that the meaning of “my favourite foods” and “ food I like” is slightly different but both can be used to translate 好き な 食べ物.

Example Sentences

Here are some natural example sentences using both expressions above.

  1. My favourite food in Fukuoka is motsunabe. It’s delicious!
  2. One of my favourite foods in Japan is tempura. It goes well with beer!
  3. A food I like to eat in the morning is yesterday’s pizza paired with some coffee. 
  4. What are some foods you like?

Difference between “favorite food” and “food I like,” and Some Example Sentences

When we use the word “favourite” we mean that it’s something that we like best. 

Ex. My favourite city in Japan is Fukuoka. 

In the above example we don’t only convey that we like Fukuoka but we also convey that we like it more than any other city we know of in Japan. 

Another example would be

Ex. One of my favourite foods is pizza. 

In the above example we convey that we have some different foods we like best and one of them is pizza.

The use of “food I like” is a little bit harder especially for beginner students, and the meaning slightly differs from “favourite”. 

Ex. Pizza is a food I like. 

In the above example we don’t know if pizza is one of the speaker’s favourite foods. We just know that they like it. I need to say that the above sentence wouldn’t be very common. I think most people would just instead say “I like pizza”. 

My Family’s Favorite Food

I think with the exception of my son, the rest of my family are foodies and there are many foods we like. I think my family’s favourite food is probably lasagna. My wife cooks it very nicely and all of us are very glad when it’s on the menu! 


There you have it, the easiest way to express “私の好きな食べ物” in English is “My favorite food.” Of course using the same grammar you could talk about any other thing you like best. Ex. Your favourite song, your favourite day, your favourite drink or even your favourite English school which I hope is ours!

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このブログでは、私がよく使う2つの言葉、「boozer (飲む場所やかなりの量を飲む人)」と「skint (お金がない)」についてご説明します。












You going down the boozer tonight mate?

Can’t go I’m afraid. I’m skint.


I’m not sure if we should hire that guy. He’s a great chef but his reputation as gambler, boozer, and a womanizer are giving me second thoughts!

We always used to go somewhere in Europe for the holidays but the weak yen has left me feeling kind of skint so I think we will stay in Japan this year.


What did you get up to last night?

Nothing much, just a couple of quiet pints down the boozer then home





Broke (お金がない), penniless (無一文), strapped for cash (お金に困って、懐が寂しい), badly off (貧しい、不景気な)

したがって、「the local」は普段行くバーを指し、「a local」はその特定のバーによく行く客を意味します。


I had a pretty quiet Saturday night. Had a few pints at the local but didn’t stay long. I’m kind of strapped for cash at the moment.



これで、イギリスに自信を持って旅行し、その時のあなたの経済状況に応じて、新しくできた友達と一緒に飲む (または飲まない) ことができるようになりました。それも、とても自然なイギリス英語のスラングを使って。







British Slang. How to use the Terms “Skint” and Boozer”

Hello there everyone, today I’ll introduce a little bit of British slang. When you are travelling or living overseas, you will probably notice that the English you hear is somewhat different from what you have learned in school or from textbooks and one of the main differences is the very frequent use of slang words. Here are two words that I use quite often ,“skint” ,meaning having no money and boozer, which just means a place to drink or someone who drinks a fair bit. 


The term boozer is pretty easy. Booze means alcoholic drink, and boozer can be either a pub or bar or a person who drinks a fair amount. 


Skint is a little more difficult to understand. It seems to come from a twentieth century word “Skinned” which has no relation to having your flesh removed but rather was used to describe a person who had been stripped of their money or belongings and over time the pronunciation has changed to skint and it simply means to have no or very little money either temporarily or for the foreseeable future. 


“You going down the boozer tonight mate?”
“Can’t go I’m afraid. I’m skint.”

I’m not sure if we should hire that guy. He’s a great chef but his reputation as gambler, boozer, and a womanizer are giving me second thoughts! 

We always used to go somewhere in Europe for the holidays but the weak yen has left me feeling kind of skint so I think we will stay in Japan this year. 

“What did you get up to last night?”
“Nothing much, just a couple of quiet pints down the boozer then home” 

Alternative Phrases

There are of course many ways to say you don’t have money and here are a few. 

broke, penniless, strapped for cash, badly off, 

Strangely, even though the Brits do spend a lot of time in the pub we don’t have so many slang words to describe it. The only one that springs to mind is “local”. We use this to talk about the bar we usually frequent so “the local” means the bar you usually go to and “a local” means a customer who often goes to a particular bar. 


“I had a pretty quiet Saturday night. Had a few pints at the local but didn’t stay long. I’m kind of strapped for cash at the moment. “

So there you have it. You can now confidently travel to the UK and have, or not have a drink with your new found friends depending on your level of solvency at the time and all done in very natural British English slang. 



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「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】



どちらであっても、あなたは旅行する際は「travel light」が多いですか、それとも旅行の際にたくさんの荷物を持っていくタイプですか?

このブログでは、この旅行に関連する表現「travel light」の意味と使い方について説明していきます。


「travel light」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】

travel light」とは、旅行する際にわずかな荷物しか持たず、重いあるいは不必要なアイテムをたくさん持たないことを意味します。



「travel light」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】


My sister prefers to travel light, especially on business trips because it makes getting around airports and public transportation much easier.

Before the hiking trip, I always make sure to travel light by packing only the essentials like water, snacks, and a first aid kit.



Have you started packing for the camping trip yet, Rita?

Yeah, I started gathering my stuff, but I’m trying to travel light this time.

That’s a good idea, because we’re going to carry everything on our backs during the hike to the campsite.

Exactly. I’m just bringing the basics like a sleeping bag, some food, and a small tent.


「travel light」の反対の言葉は?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】

「travel light」の直接的な反対の表現は実際には存在しませんが、「pack heavy (重い荷物を詰める)」、「overpack (過剰に荷造りする)」、「pack too much (荷物を多く詰めすぎる)」や「come prepared (しっかりと準備して行く)」などと言うことができます。



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】

「travel light」は、快適で迅速な旅行の方法であるだけでなく、環境にやさしい方法でもあります。







Travel Light

Hello there, thanks for stopping by and I hope all is good in your life.
Are you a frequent traveler or an occasional one like me?
Whichever you are, do you often “travel light” or carry a lot of luggage on your trips?
In the following few paragraphs I explain the meaning and usage of this travel related expression.


To travel light means to pack only a small amount of things when going on a trip, without bringing a lot of heavy or unnecessary items. It’s about not carrying too much luggage so that you can move around easily and comfortably.

Usage examples

My sister prefers to travel light, especially on business trips because it makes getting around airports and public transportation much easier.

Before the hiking trip, I always make sure to travel light by packing only the essentials like water, snacks, and a first aid kit.

In a dialogue:
Yumi:  Have you started packing  for the camping trip yet, Rita?

Rita: Yeah, I started gathering my stuff, but I’m trying to travel light this time.

Yumi: That’s a good idea, because we’re going to carry everything on our backs during the hike to the campsite.

Rita: Exactly. I’m just bringing the basics like a sleeping bag, some food, and a small tent.

Opposite of “travel light”?

There is no real straight forward opposite expression for “travel light”, but we can say something like pack heavy, overpack, pack too much or come prepared…

How do I prefer to travel?

Like a backpacker, I prefer to travel light unlike my wife who has a habit of overpacking. I think we can now buy some of the stuff we need like toiletries,  at the destination. So we don’t need to pack them.  Plus, a heavy  airplane uses more fuel than a lighter one. If more travelers traveled light, planes would burn less fuel and cut Co2 emissions.

All in all, traveling light is not only a comfortable and quick way to travel, but  it’s also environmentally friendly.

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