「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】


What do you have in mind?」というフレーズを聞いたことはありますか?
このブログでは、この「What do you have in mind?」の意味や使い方、類似フレーズについてご紹介します。このフレーズに関する私の体験も共有します。






「What do you have in mind?」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

誰かが「What do you have in mind? (何を考えていますか?/何か案がありますか?)」と尋ねるとき、その人はあなたのアイデアや計画を知りたいのです。


「What do you have in mind?」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】


Jaimie: Hi Tim, I was thinking that we should start a Kensington Employee of the Month award and I know exactly who should get the first prize for September.

Tim: Oh, that’s a nice idea Jaimie, whom do you have in mind?

Jaimie: But of course you Tim, who else?!

Tim: Oh, I don’t know Jaimie, it’s a good idea but I can’t accept it.

Jaimie: You’re such a great person, Tim.



Jaimie: Hey Tim, do you want to hang out this weekend?

Tim: Sure Jaimie, what do you have in mind?

Jaimie: How about Chinese at that nice place near our school?

Tim: Sounds great!



A: We’re trying to choose a new paint color. What do you have in mind?

B: How about  eggshell white for the living room and baby blue for the kitchen?


「What do you have in mind?」の類似フレーズ


What do you think about…?(〜についてどう思いますか?)

Do you have any ideas for…?(〜について何かアイデアはありますか?)

How do you see…?(〜をどう見ますか?/ 〜についてどう考えますか?)


「What do you have in mind?」に関連する私の経験

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

What do you have in mind?」は、職場や友達、家族との会話で非常に便利な表現で、私はかなり頻繁に使います。
例えば最近、家族に娘の誕生日のディナーにどのレストランを考えているか尋ねました。(I asked my family what restaurant they had in mind for the birthday celebration dinner.)

Yakiniku would be great! (焼肉がいい!)」と一番下の娘がすぐに答えました。



What do you have in mind?」は、お互いをよりよく理解するのに役立つ便利なフレーズです。
相手が何を望んでいるのか分からないときは、ぜひ「What do you have in mind?」と尋ねてみてください。







Have you ever heard someone ask, “What do you have in mind?” It’s a way of asking what someone thinks or wants to do. We use it a lot in different situations, like at work or with friends. In this blog entry, I’ll explain what this phrase means, show examples of how it’s used, talk about similar phrases, and share some personal stories.

What does “What do you have in mind?” mean?

When someone asks, “What do you have in mind?”, they want to know your ideas or plans. It’s a way of asking for your thoughts on something. This question is used to start a conversation and find out what someone wants or thinks about a topic.

 Examples of “What do you have in mind?”

1. At work 

Jaimie: Hi Tim, I was thinking that we should start a Kensington Employee of the Month award and I know exactly who should get the first prize for September.

Tim: Oh, that’s a nice idea Jaimie, whom do you have in mind?

Jaimie: But of course you Tim, who else?!

Tim: Oh, I don’t know Jaimie, it’s a good idea but I can’t accept it.

Jaimie: You’re such a great person, Tim.

2. Planning a hangout

Jaimie: Hey Tim, do you want to hang out this weekend?

Tim: Sure Jaimie, what do you have in mind?

Jaimie: How about Chinese at that nice place near our school?

Tim: Sounds great!

3. Asking for suggestions:

A: We’re trying to choose a new paint color. What do you have in mind?

B: How about  eggshell white for the living room and baby blue for the kitchen? 

Other ways to ask the same thing

  1. What do you think about…?
  2. Do you have any ideas for…?
  3. How do you see…?

My experiences with “What do you have in mind?”

 “What do you have in mind?”  is a quite handy expression in conversations at work, with friends and family so I use it fairly often. It helps me understand what others want or think. It’s a friendly way to start a conversation and share ideas. For example, on one of my daughters’ birthday recently, I asked my family what restaurant they had in mind for the birthday celebration dinner. “Yakiniku would be great!” my youngest daughter replied quickly.


“What do you have in mind?” is a useful phrase that helps us understand each other better. It’s a friendly way to ask for ideas or opinions. By learning to use this phrase, you can improve your communication skills and connect with others more easily. So next time you’re not sure what someone wants, just ask, “What do you have in mind?”

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