ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ

通常、2日以上の祝日(クリスマス、イースターなど)では、前置詞は「at」(例:at Christmas) を使いますが、ゴールデンウィーク (お盆も) は英語圏の祝日ではないため、「at」は使わず、「over」または「during」を使います。


What are you doing over GW?
What are you doing during GW?

Are you doing anything nice over GW?
Are you doing anything nice during GW?

What did you do over GW?
What did you do during GW?

I stayed at home and did a Spring clean over GW.

I went to my friend’s home and had dinner during GW.

Where do you recommend for sightseeing over GW?



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ


the time at the end of April / beginning of May when Japan has 4 national holidays in the space of one week



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ

おススメに使う動詞には「recommend」はもちろん、「should」「ought to」があります。

If you’re a fan of pop culture, I definitely recommend the Iwashita Collection; they have thousands of Showa era artifacts.

The Comico Art Museum has works by famous Japanese artists; you must go if you’re a Japanese art fan!
(Comico Art Museum には有名な日本人アーティストの作品があります。日本のアートのファンなら必ず行くべきです!)

On a day when the weather is good, riding a motorcycle is one of the best feelings in the world; you ought to try it someday.



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ

これまでゴールデンウィークでは、私はよく友達と一緒に福岡タワーの前にあった(今は中央公園に移転しました。) 九州クラフトビールフェスティバルに行き、外でおしゃべりしながらさまざまなビールを試飲していました。


「Comico Art Museum」に行き、杉本博司や草間彌生など、有名な日本人アーティストの作品を見ました。


ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ







Golden Week

Golden week, the small block of national holidays, almost consecutively, and sandwiched between Hanami season and the rainy season, is the last “comfortable” time to head outside and enjoy the weather (if it’s not raining again) before the onset of Japan’s oppressive summer.

A time when locals and foreign residents alike, head en masse to Japan’s many outdoor attractions, go shopping, or simply relax at home.

Prepositions with GW

Usually, with holidays that are two days or more (i.e. Christmas, Easter, etc.), we use the preposition “at”, e.g. “at Christmas”, but as Golden Week (and also Obon) are not holidays in the English speaking world, we don’t use “at”; instead, we can use either “over”, or “during”.

Most often, we’d use it to ask about plans, e.g. –

What are you doing over / during GW?

Are you doing anything nice over / during GW?

What did you do over / during GW?

I stayed at home and did a Spring clean over GW.

I went to my friend’s home and had dinner during GW.

Where do you recommend for sightseeing over GW?

What is GW if people don’t know it? How can you explain it?

You could explain GW as being “the time at the end of April / beginning of May when Japan has 4 national holidays in the space of one week”, hence “Golden Week”.


This GW, I went to Yufuin for a day trip. It was super crowded. I went to the Comico Art Museum, which had artworks by Hiroshi Sugimoto, Kusama Yayoi, and other famous Japanese artists. 

I also went to a private museum – The Iwashita Collection – One man’s passion for all things retro. I highly recommend going for pop culture history, especially the Showa era. It also has one of the world’s largest collections of vintage motorcycles.

Recommending things

When recommending something, we usually add a reason (sometimes the reason has already been mentioned, in which case, we can just add the recommendation). Verbs that we use for recommendations include “should”, “ought to” and of course, “recommend”; for strong recommendations, we sometimes use “must”. E.g. –

“If you’re a fan of pop culture, I definitely recommend the Iwashita Collection; they have thousands of Showa era artifacts.”

“The Comico Art Museum has works by famous Japanese artists; you must go if you’re a Japanese art fan!”

“On a day when the weather is good, riding a motorcycle is one of the best feelings in the world; you ought to try it someday.”

During GW, I used to often go with friends to the Kyushu Craft beer (地ビール) festival, which was located in front of Fukuoka tower, but has since relocated to the part of Chuo park by the Naka river (near Pan Stock and the Kihinkan 貴賓館). We would sample the different beers while chatting outside.

However, these days I prefer riding my motorcycle in the countryside to drinking beer.

Last year, I did a mini tour of North Kyushu, taking in Mt Hiko, Yufuin, Kuju, the Aso caldera, and the Saga highlands.

~*~*~*~ \ Follow me / ~*~*~*~

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Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa


