「母の日」に使える英語フレーズ【Happy Mother’s Day!】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:母の日に使える英語フレーズ【Happy Mother’s Day!】





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:母の日に使える英語フレーズ【Happy Mother’s Day!】

「Happy Mother’s Day!」

と他の祝日と同じように「Happy 〜」を使うことができます。


Thank you for everything (いつもありがとう)
Thanks for everything you do for our family (家族のためにしてくれることに感謝しています)
Thanks for being my Mom! (私のお母さんでいてくれてありがとう!)


Here’s a small token of my appreciation for you. (これはあなたへのほんの感謝のしるしです)

a token of appreciation (感謝のしるし)」とは、ギフト自体だけでなく、誰かにに対して感じている感謝の気持ちを表します。



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:母の日に使える英語フレーズ【Happy Mother’s Day!】

「Mama’s Boy (お母さんっ子)」の私は、可能な限り母に会いに行くようにしています。
もちろん、ギフトや「a token of my appreciation (感謝のしるし)」を持って行きます。










Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day, a day to give thanks and show appreciation to Moms around the world, is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. Just like in Japan, in America, Mother’s Day involves giving gifts, or sending postcards, and spending some quality time with Mom. In this blog post we’ll focus on some phrases you can use to celebrate Mother’s Day in English!

First up, we should start by saying “Happy Mother’s Day!” just as we’d say for other holidays. However, this time, you can also give your Mom a big hug  and tell her you love her while saying it. You can also follow this up by adding something like “thank you for everything,” “thanks for everything you do for our family,” or “thanks for being my Mom!”

If you’re giving your Mom a gift, you might want to say “here’s a small token of my appreciation for you.” This means the gift you’re giving represents how you feel about your loving Mother. “A token of appreciation.” not only refers to the gift itself, but the gratitude you feel towards another person. It’s sort of like the idea that “it’s not about the gift, but rather the thought.”

In my personal experiences with Mother’s Day, as a “Mama’s Boy” myself, I usually make sure to go and see her if possible. Of course, I’ll be bearing a gift, or a token of my appreciation. In the past, when I was a child, my Mom had requested that my brother and I each drew a picture of her for her to keep or put up on a wall for Mother’s Day. Although this tradition didn’t last past our childhood, it’s a core memory I have of celebrating Mother’s Day. My Mom still has some of those drawings or paintings around the house.

So this year, remember to not only tell, but also show your Mom how you feel about her on Mother’s Day. While Mother’s Day is a great time to do this, we should probably all try to spend as much time as possible with our Moms, and tell them how much we appreciate them anytime we can. As we all know, to the world, a Mother is just a person, but to us, they are our world.

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