月別アーカイブ: 2024年7月













Tanabata is a traditional Japanese festival.

Tanabata is celebrated on July 7th every year.

This festival comes from a Chinese legend.

The legend says that Tanabata is about a story of two lovers.

The lovers are Orihime (a weaver princess) and Hikoboshi (a cowherd).
(恋人たちは織姫[機織りの姫] と彦星[牛飼いの青年] です。)

They were separated by the Milky Way.

They can only meet once a year.

They meet on July 7th.





People write wishes on tanzaku (colorful paper strips).
(人々は短冊[色とりどりの紙片] に願い事を書きます。)

They hang the tanzaku on bamboo branches.

Bamboo branches and decorations are put outside homes and public places.

The decorations represent the link between heaven and earth.





Many cities in Japan hold Tanabata festivals.

At the festivals, there are parades, fireworks and traditional music.

People wear colorful yukatas or summer style kimono.

Sendai Tanabata Festival is one of the most famous in Japan.





Tanabata is a Japanese festival on July 7th. It celebrates the meeting of two stars, Orihime and Hikoboshi. People write wishes on colorful paper and hang them on bamboo branches. There are many decorations, parades, and fireworks in many cities during this festival. Do you have any similar festivals in your country?





・Tanabata is celebrated on July 7th.
・People write wishes on colorful paper strips.
・The lovers meet once a year on the Milky Way.
・Many cities hold Tanabata festivals with parades and fireworks.










Hello there,  July is approaching and as you know it comes with a beautiful festival known as 七夕(たなばた).

Why don’t we explain  七夕(たなばた) to our foreign friends, co-workers and others in English using simple sentences? Let’s practice using English sentences to describe this beautiful tradition.

What is Tanabata?

Tanabata is a traditional Japanese festival. 

Tanabata is celebrated on July 7th every year.

This festival comes from a Chinese legend.

The legend says that Tanabata is about a story of two lovers.

The lovers are Orihime (a weaver princess) and Hikoboshi (a cowherd).

They were separated by the Milky Way.

They can only meet once a year. 

They meet on July 7th.  (On the seventh day of the seventh month). 

Tanabata Customs

People write wishes on tanzaku (colorful paper strips). 

They hang the tanzaku on bamboo branches.

 Bamboo branches and decorations are put outside homes and public places.

 The decorations represent the link between heaven and earth. 

Tanabata Festivals

Many cities in Japan hold Tanabata festivals.

At the festivals, there are parades, fireworks and traditional music.

People wear colorful yukatas or summer style kimono.

Sendai Tanabata Festival is one of the most famous in Japan.

Sharing Tanabata with Foreign Friends

Putting it all together you can say:

Tanabata is a Japanese festival on July 7th. It celebrates the meeting of two stars, Orihime and Hikoboshi. People write wishes on colorful paper and hang them on bamboo branches. There are many decorations, parades, and fireworks in many cities during this festival. Do you have any similar festivals in your country?

Practice Sentences

1. Tanabata is celebrated on July 7th.
2. People write wishes on colorful paper strips.
3. The lovers meet once a year on the Milky Way.
4. Many cities hold Tanabata festivals with parades and fireworks. 

I hope you’ll find those sentences and phrases helpful when you try to explain the beautiful Japanese traditional festival known as Tanabata to people around the world. Happy Takabata!

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