「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

「drive me nuts」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】


get up to speed」というフレーズを聞いたことがありますか?






「get up to speed」の意味と成り立ち

「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

場合によっては、その文字通りの意味が少し抽象的で理解しにくいことがあります(例えば「It’s raining cats and dogs (どしゃ降り)」)。
しかし、今日の「get up to speed」のように、文字通りの意味が非常に理解しやすい場合もあります。

その飛行機は文字通り「get up to (the take-off) speed ([離陸]速度に追いつく)」わけです。




「get up to speed」を使った例文

「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

getting up to speed」は、最新の情報を誰かに提供すること、最新の情報に追いつくという意味です。

Could you get me up to speed on our current project?

I need to get up to speed with the latest developments.



I want to get up to speed with surfing.

John reads Nikkei Shimbun to get up to speed on the Japanese economy.

Do you think we have to get up to speed with the new AI technologies?


「get up to speed」に似た表現

「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】


⚫️ Brief 〜 on the latest news (〜に最新のニュースを説明する)

⚫️ Fill us in on your plans for 〜 (〜の計画について詳しく教えて)

⚫️ Brush up on 〜 (〜を学び直す)

⚫️ Catch up with 〜 (〜に追いつく)


「getting up to speed」に関する個人的な経験

「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】



最近、私はポーランド文学を読むことに追いつこうとしています(I have been getting up to speed with reading Polish literature.)。
また、仕事では幼稚園や小学校の子供たちに教えることに追いつこうとしています(I’m getting up to speed on teaching kindergarten and elementary school children.)。
いとこは日本のビジネス文化について教えてほしいと頼んできました(my cousin asked me to get him up to speed on the Japanese business culture.)




今日は、よく使われる役立つイディオム「get up to speed」を見てきました。

このブログを読んで「get up to speed」の使い方に追いつくことができたことを願っています。







Getting up to speed with English idioms (well, just one). 

Hello everyone! This is Bartek again. I hope you’ve been bravely enduring the hot and humid Japanese summer. As a matter of fact, summer is probably my favorite Japanese season but let’s leave the weather aside as today we will talk about another very useful idiom. Have you ever heard the phrase “get up to speed”? If not, let me get you up to speed on it! 

What does it mean and where does it come from?

All idioms have their origins and there are always literal meanings associated with those origins. In some cases, the literal meaning might be a bit abstract and hard to understand (“It’s raining cats and dogs,” for instance). In other cases though the literal meaning can make perfect sense. Such is our today’s “get up to speed.” It is fairly easy to imagine a plane accelerating to the take-off speed. That plane would be literally getting up to (the take-off) speed. In fact, the idiom’s origin is said to be linked to many stories – driving, engineering, sailing, and racing – but the common part of them all is that something or someone requires a little push to get started. And that’s where we get to the most common figurative meaning of our today’s idiom: giving someone information or instruction to get them to a certain level of understanding or skill. In most cases that certain level is the one of a team or a group – at work, at school, in a neighborhood, etc. Sounds a bit confusing? Let’s take a look at the example sentences!

Examples, please!

Getting up to speed is giving someone enough and up-to-date information. It can then be used in a variety of situations. 

At work, for instance, you might ask a colleague: “Could you get me up to speed on our current project?” meaning you want them to give you all the info about that project. If you come back to work after a long vacation you may say “I need to get up to speed with the latest developments” cause you obviously want to quickly know what’s up at work! As you can see, the prepositions “on” and “with” can be used interchangeably.

What about other situations?

Imagine taking up a new hobby. Say, it’s surfing and you want to start as soon as possible. In that situation, you may say “I want to get up to speed with surfing!”

“John reads Nikkei Shimbun to get up to speed on the Japanese economy.” means John learns or catches up on the Japanese economy news by reading Nikkei Shimbun.

“Do you think we have to get up to speed with the new AI technologies?” seems like a legitimate question referring to learning that mysterious Artificial Intelligence.

Synonyms? Similar expressions?

Now that you got up to speed on the practical uses of our today’s idiom, let’s take a look at expressions of similar meaning. “Brief Mary on the latest news” would be a quite natural synonym for “Get Mary up to speed with the latest news.” Another like phrase would be “Fill us in on your plans for the summer.” Then we have “Brush up on something” or “Catch up with something.” As you can see we are circling around the same concept of getting up-to-date information!

Personal experiences with “getting up to speed”

“Ok”, you may ask, “do you or people around you even use that idiom, Bartek?” The answer is yes! Recently I have been getting up to speed with reading Polish literature. I got many great novels from my nephew but haven’t had time to read them (ok, fine, I’ve just been lazy…) Also, at work, I’m getting up to speed on teaching kindergarten and elementary school children. And finally, my cousin asked me to get him up to speed on the Japanese business culture. I hope I’ll be able to do that!


Using idioms is a great way to express yourself naturally in English and today we took a look at a quite popular and useful one that has pretty clear literal and figurative meanings. Hope my explanation was clear and I was able to get you up to speed with the usage of “get up to speed.” Have a great summer!

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