月別アーカイブ: 2024年8月

「You’ve got to be kidding me」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「You’ve got to be kidding me」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】


そんな時に使うのにピッタリな表現が「You’ve got to be kidding me」です。






「You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「You’ve got to be kidding me」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

You’ve got to be kidding me」というフレーズは、誰かが予想外のことや信じがたいことを行った時によく使われます。
例えば、友達に「人気店だから予約がいっぱいだ」と言われたら、「You’ve got to be kidding me!」 と驚きを表現できます。


“You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me” の例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「You’ve got to be kidding me」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

You’ve got to be kidding me! The concert is canceled?

You’ve got to be kidding me! You finished all the work in one night?

You’ve got to be kidding me! That tiny apartment costs how much?


No group lesson this week? You’ve got to be kidding me!


「You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me」に似た表現

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「You’ve got to be kidding me」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】


Are you serious? (まじで?)

Are you serious? You won the lottery?

No way! (そんなまさか!)

No way! You got tickets to the sold-out concert?

You can’t be serious! (冗談でしょ!)

You can’t be serious! They’re closing down our favorite restaurant?



「You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me」を使った実体験

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「You’ve got to be kidding me」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】



まさに「You’ve got to be kidding me!」という瞬間でした。



今回の記事で「You’ve got to be kidding me」と言うフレーズの意味がより明確になったことを願っています。







Understanding The Phrase: “You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me!”

Sometimes we see, hear, or experience things we simply can’t believe. While sometimes we’re left speechless, sometimes we need to express ourselves. One such expression that works perfectly in these situations is “You’ve got to be kidding me.” This phrase is frequently used in casual English conversations to express surprise or disbelief. In this blog post, we’ll explore what it means, how to use it, and share some personal experiences to help you use it more naturally in your daily conversations.

What Does “You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me” Mean?

The phrase “You’ve got to be kidding me” is a casual way to express disbelief or surprise. It’s often used when someone hears something unexpected or hard to believe. For example, if a friend tells you that a popular restaurant is fully booked, you might respond, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” to show your surprise. Remember that this phrase is very casual, meaning it’s similar to saying 「うそやろ!」

Example Sentences of “You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me”

Here are some examples of how to use “You’ve got to be kidding me”:

“You’ve got to be kidding me! The concert is canceled?”
– “You’ve got to be kidding me! You finished all that work in one night?”
– “You’ve got to be kidding me! That tiny apartment costs how much?”

One thing to note here is that “You’ve got to be kidding me” can also come after the subject you’re reacting to. It’s totally okay to make a statement first, then use the phrase. For example:

– “No group lessons this week? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Similar Phrases to “You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me”

To better understand how and when to use this phrase correctly, here are some other phrases with similar meanings include:

– “Are you serious?”
Example: “Are you serious? You won the lottery?”

– “No way!”
Example: “No way! You got tickets to the sold-out concert?”

– “You can’t be serious!”
Example: “You can’t be serious! They’re closing down our favorite restaurant?”

These phrases can be used interchangeably to express disbelief or surprise.

My Experience with “You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me”

I remember using this phrase when I went to Ohori Park a few months ago. Many of you may remember that they set up a big Fukuoka Sakura Matsuri in the park around the time the cherry blossoms were projected to bloom. I figured that with all of the festival preparation happening, the projected bloom dates would be correct. So on my day off, a few friends and I planned for a small hanami party. 

As we got closer and closer to the park, we began seeing hundreds of people, which was a good sign. However, upon arriving at the park, we were shocked to see that the cherry blossoms had not bloomed yet, and all of these people were having flower-less hanami parties. This was a big “you’ve got to be kidding me” moment!


I hope this post has made the phrase “You’ve got to be kidding me” clearer for you. It’s a useful expression that can add emotion to your conversations, making you sound more natural in English. Practice using it, and soon it will become a natural part of your English vocabulary.

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英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!


Tongue twisters(早口言葉) は、似た音を組み合わせた言い回しで、発音するのが難しくなるように作られています。
Tongue twisters(早口言葉)は子どもたちに愛されており、言語療法を受けている人々の助けにもなります。







ケンジントン英会話ブログ:英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!









ケンジントン英会話ブログ:英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!


“She sells seashells by the seashore.”

ポイント: 「sh」と「s」を繰り返すことによって、似ているが異なる音を練習するのに役立ちます。

“How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?”

ポイント: 「cl」と「cr」の子音の組み合わせが、これらの音が存在しない言語を話す学習者にとって挑戦となります。

“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”

ポイント: 「p」を繰り返すことによって、「p」の破裂音を練習するのに最適です。非ネイティブスピーカーには難しいと思われているかもしれません。

“Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter’s bitter.”

ポイント: この早口言葉は、「b」と「t」の音を区別するのに最適です。

“Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry”

ポイント: これはアジア系言語を話す人に特に役立ちます。素早く「l」と「r」の音を区別する練習になります。



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!











それでは、「She sells seashells by the seashore」から始めて、どれだけ速く言えるか挑戦してみましょう!







English Tongue Twisters: A Fun Challenge for Non-Native Speakers

Tongue twisters are playful phrases in English that combine similar sounds in a sequence, making them difficult to pronounce. They’re not just fun, but also a great tool for non-native speakers to improve their pronunciation, articulation, and fluency. 

Tongue twisters are loved by children, but they also serve helping people undergoing speech therapy.

Why Tongue Twisters Are Useful

  1. Improves Pronunciation: Tongue twisters focus on specific sounds, helping learners distinguish and pronounce them more clearly.
  2. Enhances Fluency: Repeating tongue twisters at varying speeds can improve fluency and the ability to speak smoothly under pressure.
  3. Boosts Confidence: Successfully mastering a tricky phrase can boost a learner’s confidence in their speaking abilities.

Popular Tongue Twisters

Here are a few classic English tongue twisters that are perfect for non-native speakers:

  1. “She sells seashells by the seashore.”
    Focus: The repetition of the “sh” and “s” sounds can help learners practice the difference between these similar but distinct sounds. 
  2. “How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?”
    Focus: This phrase helps with the “cl” and “cr” consonant clusters, which can be challenging for learners from languages where these sounds don’t occur. 
  3. “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”
    Focus: The repeated “p” sound is a great way to practice the explosive “p” sound, which requires a burst of air that non-native speakers might find tricky. 
  4. “Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter’s bitter.”
    Focus: This tongue twister is great for distinguishing between the “b” and “t” sounds. 
  5. “Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry”
    Focus: This one is particularly useful for speakers of asian languages as it practices distinguishing the “l” and “r” sounds quickly. 

Tips for Practicing Tongue Twisters

  • Start Slow: Begin by saying the tongue twister slowly, focusing on each sound.
  • Break It Down: Practice difficult sections separately before putting the whole phrase together.
  • Increase Speed Gradually: As you become more comfortable, try to say the tongue twister faster while maintaining clarity.
  • Record Yourself: Listening to recordings of your practice can help you identify areas for improvement.

Tongue twisters are an enjoyable way for non-native speakers to enhance their English pronunciation and fluency. With regular practice, you’ll find yourself speaking more clearly and confidently. So, why not give it a try? Start with “She sells seashells by the seashore” and see how fast you can go!

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Obon or Bon is the Japanese festival celebrated to honor the dead and spirits of their ancestors. It is the equivalent of the Christian’s All Soul’s Day, Mexican’s Day of the Dead, China’s Hungry Ghost Festival, Korea’s Chuseok, Nepal’s Gai Jatra and Cambodja’s Pchum Ben, just to mention a few.

It is observed mainly from August 13 to 16, although in some areas it is also observed in mid July. Although it is not officially a national holiday it is considered one of Japan’s three major holiday seasons. Despite inflated accommodation prices and overpriced tickets there are intensive domestic and international travel activities.






All Soul’s Day


All Souls’ Day is the third days celebrations to remember the departed ones. It is preceded by  All Saints’ Day (November 1st ) and All Hallows’ Eve (shortened to Halloween) on October 31st

Halloween has its roots in Celtic culture and it was co-opted by the Christian church  becoming All Saint’s Day—or All Hallows. Halloween retained its spiritual and macabre nature through many centuries, thanks to traditions like souling, where the poor would beg for pastries on November 2nd  in exchange for prayers for deceased relatives. 

Saint Odilo of Cluny, a French monastery, first instituted November 2nd  as a special day to pray for the dead, even instructing his followers to do the same. The practice slowly spread throughout the Christian world, going from France to Spain and beyond, and soon became a yearly event in most Catholic countries.


All Souls Day in Brazil


As the Spanish and Portuguese Catholics colonized Central and South America, their traditions and cultures combined with indigenous customs to become the unique festival we know as All Souls Day

In Brazil,  only All Souls Day is considered a national holiday, All Saint’s Day and Halloween are observance holidays.  Eschewing most other All Souls Day celebrations in Latin America, Brazilians observe a quieter holiday, taking the time to remember and mourn their departed souls. On this holiday many travel to their hometowns to visit cemeteries and attend mass services with their family members. It’s a special occasion where people  come together and support each other during a time of remembrance.

It is not just about mourning and sadness – it’s also a celebration of the deceased’s life. People often bring flowers, light candles, and leave offerings at their loved ones’ graves as a way to honor them and show that they are not forgotten. Flowers and candles which symbolize the light of the loved ones are placed on gravesites as decorations. In fact, flowers are so intrinsic to this holiday that flower sales go up 40-50% annually just on this day!



Whereas many remembrance festivals around the world feature joyful celebrations with dancing, music and typical food, they are primarily a way to honor dead relatives and ancestors, therefore should be approached with respect, and open-mindedness. They are beautiful celebrations that acknowledges the cycle of life and death.















ブラジルでは、万霊節のみが国民の祝日とされ、万聖節(All Saints’ Day)とハロウィンは行事として行われています。ラテンアメリカの他の万霊節の祝祭とは異なり、ブラジル人は静かにこの日を過ごします。多くの人は故郷に帰り、家族と共に墓地を訪れ、ミサに参加します。亡くなった魂を偲び、悲しみを共有し、お互いを支え合う特別な時期です。




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「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】


Blow the deal」は日常のやりとりはもちろん、ビジネスシーンで多く使われるイディオムです。
このブログではこの「Blow the deal」の意味や使い方を例文や似たような言葉を用いて解説していきます。






「Blow the deal」の意味

「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

誰かが「Blow the dealした」と表現する時は、その人が交渉の失敗や崩壊に繋がるミスをしたということになります。


「Blow the deal」を使った例文

「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

Despite months of negotiations, they blew the deal at the last minute by asking for more money.

She was very close to signing the contract, but a small misunderstanding blew the deal.

We can’t afford to blow this deal; it’s important for our company’s future.

Mr. Kobayashi’s unprofessional behavior during the meeting blew the deal for us.

They had everything ready to go, but a delay in delivery blew the deal with their client.


A: Did the client agree to the new contract?

B: No, we blew the deal due to typo in the agreement.


「Blow a deal」の類語

「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

Mess up a deal(取引を台無し/めちゃくちゃにする)

He messed up the deal by not preparing adequately for the presentation.

A: I heard you were close to finalizing the partnership. What happened?
B: Unfortunately, we messed up the deal by miscommunicating our terms.


Fumble a deal(取引をしくじる)

They fumbled the deal by forgetting to include a key sentence in the contract.


Botch a deal(取引で下手をする)

The negotiation was going well until they botched the deal with an offensive comment.


Screw up a deal(取引をぶち壊す)

They screwed up the deal by missing the deadline for submitting the proposal.



Blow the deal」という表現は「合意や取引の失敗を引き起こすこと」を意味する表現でした。







“Blow a deal” explained

Idioms make our conversations and interactions interesting, but can be confusing to non-native speakers of a language sometimes. “Blow the deal” is one of the many idioms used in business and everyday interactions. In the few paragraphs below, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this expression with examples and words or phrases similar to “blow the deal” 

What does “blow the deal” mean?

It means to fail to complete or secure an agreement or transaction successfully. When someone “blows a deal,” they have usually made a mistake or series of mistakes that lead to the failure of negotiations or the breakdown of an agreement. This phrase is often used in business contexts but can be applied to any situation where a deal or agreement is involved.

Example sentences of “blow a deal”

Despite months of negotiations, they blew the deal at the last minute by asking for more money.

She was very close to signing the contract, but a small misunderstanding blew the deal.

We can’t afford to blow this deal; it’s important for our company’s future.

Mr. Kobayashi’s unprofessional behavior during the meeting blew the deal for us.

They had everything ready to go, but a delay in delivery blew the deal with their client.

In conversation:

A: Did the client agree to the new contract?

B: No, we blew the deal due to a typo in the agreement.

 Words similar to “blow a deal” and example sentence

Mess up a deal

Example: He messed up the deal by not preparing adequately for the presentation.

Fumble a deal

Example: They fumbled the deal by forgetting to include a key sentence in the contract.

Botch a deal

Example: The negotiation was going well until they botched the deal with an offensive comment.

Screw up a deal

Example: They screwed up the deal by missing the deadline for submitting the proposal.

In conversation:

A: I heard you were close to finalizing the partnership. What happened?

B: Unfortunately, we messed up the deal by miscommunicating our terms.


I hope the above illustrations and examples have helped you understand the meaning and usage of this expression which means to fail in securing or completing an agreement, and  is used in workplaces, business situations and other contexts.

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