


Obon or Bon is the Japanese festival celebrated to honor the dead and spirits of their ancestors. It is the equivalent of the Christian’s All Soul’s Day, Mexican’s Day of the Dead, China’s Hungry Ghost Festival, Korea’s Chuseok, Nepal’s Gai Jatra and Cambodja’s Pchum Ben, just to mention a few.

It is observed mainly from August 13 to 16, although in some areas it is also observed in mid July. Although it is not officially a national holiday it is considered one of Japan’s three major holiday seasons. Despite inflated accommodation prices and overpriced tickets there are intensive domestic and international travel activities.






All Soul’s Day


All Souls’ Day is the third days celebrations to remember the departed ones. It is preceded by  All Saints’ Day (November 1st ) and All Hallows’ Eve (shortened to Halloween) on October 31st

Halloween has its roots in Celtic culture and it was co-opted by the Christian church  becoming All Saint’s Day—or All Hallows. Halloween retained its spiritual and macabre nature through many centuries, thanks to traditions like souling, where the poor would beg for pastries on November 2nd  in exchange for prayers for deceased relatives. 

Saint Odilo of Cluny, a French monastery, first instituted November 2nd  as a special day to pray for the dead, even instructing his followers to do the same. The practice slowly spread throughout the Christian world, going from France to Spain and beyond, and soon became a yearly event in most Catholic countries.


All Souls Day in Brazil


As the Spanish and Portuguese Catholics colonized Central and South America, their traditions and cultures combined with indigenous customs to become the unique festival we know as All Souls Day

In Brazil,  only All Souls Day is considered a national holiday, All Saint’s Day and Halloween are observance holidays.  Eschewing most other All Souls Day celebrations in Latin America, Brazilians observe a quieter holiday, taking the time to remember and mourn their departed souls. On this holiday many travel to their hometowns to visit cemeteries and attend mass services with their family members. It’s a special occasion where people  come together and support each other during a time of remembrance.

It is not just about mourning and sadness – it’s also a celebration of the deceased’s life. People often bring flowers, light candles, and leave offerings at their loved ones’ graves as a way to honor them and show that they are not forgotten. Flowers and candles which symbolize the light of the loved ones are placed on gravesites as decorations. In fact, flowers are so intrinsic to this holiday that flower sales go up 40-50% annually just on this day!



Whereas many remembrance festivals around the world feature joyful celebrations with dancing, music and typical food, they are primarily a way to honor dead relatives and ancestors, therefore should be approached with respect, and open-mindedness. They are beautiful celebrations that acknowledges the cycle of life and death.















ブラジルでは、万霊節のみが国民の祝日とされ、万聖節(All Saints’ Day)とハロウィンは行事として行われています。ラテンアメリカの他の万霊節の祝祭とは異なり、ブラジル人は静かにこの日を過ごします。多くの人は故郷に帰り、家族と共に墓地を訪れ、ミサに参加します。亡くなった魂を偲び、悲しみを共有し、お互いを支え合う特別な時期です。




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