月別アーカイブ: 2024年9月

日常英会語レッスン – “a sacred cow” / “神聖な牛”

日常英会語レッスン – “a sacred cow” / “神聖な牛”

Hello everyone, today I’d like to introduce you a very common idiom. A sacred cow!

a sacred cow: a belief or system that is treated with much respect and is not usually criticized.
Ex: The NHS has been treated as a sacred cow for too long. Reform is needed urgently.



今日はよく使われる慣用句、A sacred cowを紹介したいと思います。



Bounce backってどういう意味?【ビジネス英語・例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Bounce backってどういう意味?【ビジネス英語・例文つき】


例:A basketball player bounces a ball on the floor and it springs back into her/his hand.

Bounce back」は困難な状況や出来事のあとすぐに通常の状態に戻る、または失敗や自信喪失、病気、不幸を経験した後に再び成功し始める、という意味があります。これは日常会話(ニュースやスポーツ)、ビジネスシーン、さらにはITの場面でも使われます。「メールがbounce backする」と言ったら、メールアドレスが間違っているなどの理由で送信者に返送されたという意味になります。


「Bounce back」の例文



He bounced back easily from his surgery.

After losing the first two games of the league, they bounced back to win their next three and become the top team.

According to the UN, many countries are bouncing back from the pandemic but the poorest are still struggling economically.




Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week.

Profits are expected to bounce back in the new financial year.

European markets bounced back after U.S. markets recouped early losses


形容詞の「bounce back」

Bounce backは形容詞としても使えます。

Bounce back message / E-mail bounce(送信者に返送されたメッセージ)



立ち直る(Bounce back from


Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do.

Prices have bounced back strongly from the bottom a year ago.



bounce back」する力とはつまり回復力です。パンデミックの間に、私たちは回復力を発展させたり強化したりすることを学びました。重要なポイントは、社会的繋がり、自己管理、行動に意味を見出すこと、恐怖に向き合うこと、そして最後に、学び続けることです。これからも学び続けてください。



bounce back

To bounce is a word for an up and down movement or recovery — like a ball’s bounce on the pavement or the stock market’s rise after a crash. Bounce can be a noun or a verb. 

A basketball player bounces a ball on the floor and it springs back into her/his hand.

To bounce back means to return quickly to a normal condition after a difficult situation or event or to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness. 

It that can be used in several situations from everyday life (on the news and sports), business situation and even in IT.

In IT if an email bounces back, it is returned to the person sending it because the address is wrong or the user is not known.


daily life (on the news and sports) 

He bounced back easily from his surgery.

After losing the first two games of the league, they bounced back to win their next three and become the top team.

According to the UN, many countries are bouncing back from the pandemic but the poorest are still struggling economically.



Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week.

Profits are expected to bounce back in the new financial year.

European markets bounced back after U.S. markets recouped early losses


IT (communication)

“Bounce back” can sometimes be use as adjective:

The most common types of bounce back messages (or e-mail bounce) is “Delivery to the following recipient failed temporarily: [email protected] Reason: Mailbox full.”


bounce back from 

Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do.

Prices have bounced back strongly from the bottom a year ago.


Conclusion: Resilience is the ability to bounce back. During the pandemic we have learnt to develop or strengthen our resilience. The key takeaways are: social connectivity, self-care, finding meaning, facing your fears, and, the last but not least, continuing to learn. Yes, keep studying and learning.

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Instagram : @kensington_eikaiwa

Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa




“After all”の意味と使い方【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「After all」ってどういう意味?使い方は?【例文つき】


After all”もその一つです。
このフレーズは、日常会話や仕事、ビジネスの場面でよく使われます。このブログでは”After all”の意味を説明し、様々なケースで正しく使う方法を紹介します。






“After all”の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「After all」ってどういう意味?使い方は?【例文つき】

After all”は、何かの説明をしたり理由を述べる時、または重要なことや明らかなことを改めて強調する時に使うことが多いです。



この場合の”after all”は、自分の意見を根拠づける主張さらに自分の意見を強調する際に使います。

Of course I love Yumi. After all, she’s my sister.

I thought you may have a friend in the neighborhood, after all you grew up in this town.


この場合の”after all”は、予想が変わったり、予期しない結果を示す場合に使われます。

I thought it was going to rain, but it stayed sunny after all.

A: You’re going to Kyoto with the team Kohei, after all?
B: Yeah, I’ve been told that they have a room for an extra person on the bus!


“After all”に似たフレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「After all」ってどういう意味?使い方は?【例文つき】

After all”と似た意味を持つフレーズはいくつかあり、場合によっては代わりに使えることもあります。いくつか紹介します。

In the end


We didn’t plan to go out, but in the end, we went to a nice restaurant and had a delicious meal.

When all is said and done


When all is said done, it was a good decision to move abroad. We’re much happier.

At the end of the day


At the end of the day, what matters the most is that everyone is happy.



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「After all」ってどういう意味?使い方は?【例文つき】

私も、仕事や他の場面で”After all”を使うときがあります。

“He could attend the class, after all.



主張を説明したり、決定を正当化したり、予想外の結果を表現したりする際に、”after all”やそれに類似する表現を理解し、適切に使うことができれば、コミュニケーションがより明確になります。







“After all” meaning and usage 


In English, many common phrases can be hard to understand, especially when they have more than one meaning depending on the situation. One example is “after all,” which people often use in everyday talk, at work or business. In this blog, I  will explain what “after all” means and show how to use it correctly in different cases.

The meaning of “After all”

The phrase “after all” is used to explain or give a reason for something. It often highlights a point, as if the speaker is reminding someone of something important or clear.

Here are two main ways it is used:

Explaining or justifying something
In this case, “after all” is used to remind others of something that supports or strengthens an argument.

Of Course I love Yumi, after all she’s my sister.
I thought you may have a friend in the neighborhood, after all you grew up in this town.

In spite of what was expected (an unexpected outcome)
This use of “after all”  indicates a change in expectation or an unexpected outcome.

I thought it was going to rain, but it stayed sunny after all.

A: You’re going to Kyoto with the team  Kohei, after all?
B: Yeah, I’ve been told that they have room for an extra person on the team bus!

Similar Phrases to “After All”

There are several phrases in English that have similar meanings to “after all” and can be used interchangeably in certain cases. Here are a few:

“In the end”
This phrase is often used to describe the final result or outcome of something, especially when there’s a change in expectation.

We didn’t plan to go out, but in the end, we went to a nice restaurant and had a delicious meal.

“When all is said and done”
This is a more idiomatic expression and means that after everything has been considered, the conclusion is clear. 

When all is said and done, it was a good decision to move abroad. We’re much happier.

“At the end of the day”
This phrase is commonly used in casual speech and means the final or most important consideration.

At the end of the day, what matters most is that everyone is happy.

My own experiences using this expression

I use “after all” from time to time in communication at work and in other settings.

For instance, a few weeks ago, a student messaged us, saying he’d probably cancel his class due to lateness. Later, he confirmed the cancellation. But then a few minutes later, our secretary text me to let me know that  Mr. A could actually attend the class, after all.


 Whether you are explaining a point, justifying a decision, or expressing an unexpected result, understanding when and how to use “after all” and similar expressions will make your communication clearer. So next time you’re having a conversation in English, try using this phrase to show your reasoning or to summarize a conclusion.

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Instagram : @kensington_eikaiwa

Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa


