













Where is the station?

Where can I find souvenir shops?

How can we get to the ABC hotel?

しかし「Do you know…(ご存知ですか)」「Can/Could you tell me…(教えていただけますか)」などを使って丁寧に伝えたいときがあります。

Can you tell me where the station is?

Do you know where I can find souvenir shops?

Could you tell me how I can get to the ABC hotel?







Go/Walk straight for about 200 meters(約200メートルまっすぐ進んでください)」や「Turn right/left(右/左に曲がってください)」といった表現を使います。
また、目的地がどこにあるかを伝えるために、「in front of A(Aの前)」「across from A(Aの向かい)「next to A(Aの隣)」「between A and B(AとBの間)」など、場所の前置詞を使うこともいいでしょう。

It’s on Watanabe Street.

It’s between Seven-Eleven and Starbucks.

It’s across from Mitukoshi.

It’s next to the Mizuho Bank.

It’s in front of the city hall.

It’s on Watanabe Street next to the Fukuoka Bank.



A: Excuse me! Can you tell me where the bakery shop is?

B: Sure! Go straight, turn left, and the bakery shop will be between the souvenir shop and Seven-Eleven!

A: Thanks!

B: No worries!


公共交通機関を使って目的地に行く場合はどうでしょうか?「take 〇〇 line(〇〇線に乗る)」「get on/off at the 〇〇 station(〇〇駅から乗る/〇〇駅で降りる)」「Ride for 7 stops(7駅先まで乗る)」などの表現が使えます。


A: Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to Nakasu-Kawabata?

B: Yeah! Take the Kuko Subway Line. Ride for 4 stops and get off at Nakasu-Kawabata station






Excuse me! How do I get to the departures!?


Don’t worry! It’s just a 3-minute walk! Go straight there (指をさしながら), turn right and you will see the airport entrance. Take the escalator to the 3rd floor. That’s the departures floor!

お礼を言って急いで向かう私に、最後に「Take care! Have a safe flight!」(お気をつけて!)と声をかけてくれました。










How to ask for and give directions in English.

Hello again everyone! Bartek here. I’ve recently had a chance to go to my country, Poland, and on my way there and back to Japan I needed to ask for directions many times. I bet many of you will travel in the near future so today we will talk a little bit about asking for and giving directions in English. We will go over asking direct and indirect questions, using them to ask for directions, and finally we’ll take a look at some example sentences asking for and giving directions to some popular spots in Fukuoka City. That last part is an added benefit as these example sentences may be very useful when you are asked for directions on the streets. So, without much ado, let’s get into it!

Asking for directions. 

It is obvious that asking for directions must involve questions. However, questions can be asked in a direct or indirect way and the latter requires some focus to be spot on grammatically. I guess we all know direct questions:

Where is the station?

Where can I find souvenir shops?

How can we get to the ABC hotel?

That’s all simple, isn’t it? Now, quite often we want to begin our questions with some polite phrases, such as “Do you know…” or “Can/Could you tell me…” Using such phrases makes a question an indirect one and requires a little tweak in grammar. Let’s take a look at the above direct questions in indirect forms:

Can you tell me where the station is?

Do you know where I can find souvenir shops?

Could you tell me how I can get to the ABC hotel?

Can you see what happened? Of course, you can! The question changed its syntax into that of a statement! And that’s the trick to remember and use. 

Giving directions.

Okay, we know how to ask a casual direct question or a more polite indirect one but how do we give directions? Let’s start with simple directions that only involve walking. We may use expressions such as: “Go/walk straight for about 200 meters” or “Turn right/left.” It is also a good idea to say where the destination will be. For that, we will use prepositions of place: “in front of A”, “across from A”, “next to A”, or “between A and B.” 

Here are examples of using the prepositions:

It’s on Watanabe Street.

It’s between Seven-Eleven and Starbucks.

It’s across from Mitsukoshi.

It’s next to the Mizuho Bank.

It’s in front of the city hall.

It’s on Watanabe Street next to the Fukuoka Bank.

Let’s see how we can use all those expressions in a conversation! Imagine you are at a place like a train station and someone asks you: “Excuse me! Can you tell me where the bakery shop is?” “Sure!” you’ll say, “Go straight (you can point with your hand!), turn left, and the bakery shop will be between the souvenir shop and Seven-Eleven!” They’ll likely say “Thanks!” to which you can respond with “No worries!” 

Now, think about a situation when getting somewhere involves using public transport. We’ll need some more expressions such as: “take X line”, “get on/off at the Y station”, or “ride for 7 stops.” 

How can we use that? Here’s an example! Imagine you are at Fukuoka Domestic Terminal and someone asks you: “Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to Nakasu-Kawabata?” You can answer: “Yeah! Take the Kuko Subway Line. Ride for 4 stops and get off at Nakasu-Kawabata station!”

Do you really use that language nowadays? 

You may wonder “Is that language worth learning in the 21st century when we all have our smartphones and maps apps with navigation?” Well, I understand that question and would probably ask it myself but I have a really recent and relevant experience to share that may convince you that those expressions are still very useful! A couple of weeks ago I was on my way back to Japan from Europe. I had to go to the airport in Berlin and I took a highway bus that was supposed to take me straight to the departures. The bus was stuck in traffic and there was less and less time until my departure. Then finally we got to the airport but the bus stop was far away from the airport building! I was a bit worried as my departure was in 90 minutes and I could not afford to miss the flight! I pulled my phone and tried to find the way to the departures but my phone just couldn’t connect to the internet! I needed to get directions fast so I asked the first person at the bus stop: “Excuse me! How do I get to the departures?!” I must have looked panicked cause that person replied “Don’t worry! It’s just a 3-minute walk! Go straight there (he pointed with his finger), turn right and you will see the airport entrance. Take the escalator to the 3rd floor. That’s the departures floor!” “Thanks a lot!” I shouted and went straight ahead. “No worries! Have a safe flight!” the person replied to which I showed a thumb up as I was already speedwalking.


So, you can see that the expressions we learned today can be pretty useful and we may not even know when! I hope you won’t have to use them in a situation like mine but make sure you learn and practice them! Good luck and have a great late summer time!