「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 – 大成功する【日常・ビジネス英会話】

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】


hit it out of the park」があります。






「Hit it Out of the Park」の意味

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

Hit it out of the park」というイディオムは野球が由来の表現で、試合中にホームランを打つこと、つまりボールをスタジアムの外まで飛ばすことをさします。


「Her presentation was amazing! She really hit it out of the park.」

「They hit it out of the park with their new product launch.」



「Hit it Out of the Park」と似た表現

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

Hit it out of the park」と同じ意味を持つ英語の表現は他にもいくつかあります。

Nail it

「I was nervous about the test, but I nailed it!」

Crush it

「You crushed your interview! I’m sure you’ll get the job.」

Knock it out of the park
大成功を収める、「Hit it out of the park」とほぼ同じ意味

He knocked it out of the park with his performance on stage.」



私の「Hit it Out of the Park」の体験

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

私は日本で英語の教師をしていますが、生徒たちがプレゼンテーションやスピーチコンテスト、クラスでのロールプレイやテストで「hit it out of the park」する姿をよく目にします。
hit it out of the park」したのです!

Hit it out of the park」は、誰かの素晴らしいパフォーマンスを称える際に使える強力なイディオムです。
hit it out of the park」できる日がきっと来ますよ!







In English, idioms are commonly used in both casual conversations and formal situations. One idiom that often confuses students is “hit it out of the park.” This phrase is especially popular in American culture and is frequently used in business, sports, and everyday life. In the next few paragraphs, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this idiom, along with examples and similar expressions.

What Does “Hit it Out of the Park” Mean?
The idiom “hit it out of the park” comes from baseball, where it refers to hitting a home run—a ball that flies over the fence and out of the field. In everyday language, it means to do something extremely well or to achieve great success. For example:

– Her presentation was amazing! She really hit it out of the park.
– They hit it out of the park with their new product launch.

In both examples, this phrase describes someone performing exceptionally well in a task.

Similar Expressions to “Hit it Out of the Park”
There are several phrases in English that have a similar meaning to “hit it out of the park.” Here are a few:

1. Nail it

  • Meaning: To do something perfectly or successfully.
  • Example: I was nervous about the test, but I nailed it!

2. Crush it

  • Meaning: To perform very well or succeed at something.
  • Example: You crushed your interview! I’m sure you’ll get the job.

3. Knock it out of the park

  • Meaning: Similar to “hit it out of the park,” this phrase also means doing something with great success.
  • Example: He knocked it out of the park with his performance on stage.

These phrases are great alternatives to use in various situations where someone excels at something.

My Experience with “Hitting it Out of the Park”
As an English teacher in Japan, I often see students “hit it out of the park” during presentations, speech contests, class role plays or tests. I remember one student, Yuki, who was nervous several days before the English speech contest she was going to take part in. She practiced hard, and when the day came, she delivered (gave) her speech perfectly, with clear pronunciation and confidence. She won second prize! She knocked it out of the park!

“Hit it out of the park” is a powerful idiom to describe someone’s excellent performance. Whether you’re in school, at work, or even in daily conversations, using this idiom can help you express praise or admiration for someone’s hard work and success. Next time you or someone around you does something impressive, try using this phrase! Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be hitting it out of the park with your English skills too!

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