「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? – 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】



Knuckle down」という表現は、何かに対して一生懸命に取り組むことを意味します。「Knuckle down」する時は、集中して本腰を入れて作業に取り組むことを表します。







ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「If we just knuckle down today, we can finish up painting the kitchen.」

「Please knuckle down and finish cleaning up your room so you can play with your friends tomorrow.」

「I have to knuckle down and address 100 New Year’s cards tonight so I can mail them in time for them to arrive on new year’s day!」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「It’s final exam week so I’ve got to knuckle down and finally start studying.」

「Sorry, I can’t talk now. I’ve got to knuckle down and do my homework.」

「I’m going to the library. Every time I try to knuckle down and study one of my flatmates interrupts me.」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「Are you serious about finishing that ABC project by tomorrow? Then you’ll have to knuckle down for the rest of the day!」

「All right, quit joking around. We need to knuckle down and finish this report.」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「The Biden administration appears to be playing at war rather than knuckling down and winning it.」 —-Washington Examiner, 11 Jan. 2024

「But as the United Nations conference enters its second week and negotiators from 197 countries knuckle down to finalize a new agreement to tackle global warming, attendees were sharply divided over how much progress is being made.」—-New York TImes, 8 Nov. 2021



個人生活でも仕事でも、あるいは学業でも、成功の鍵はやはり決意と努力にあります。だからこそ、集中して取り組み、「Knuckle Down」の心構えを大切にしていきましょう!







knuckle (noun) is a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, especially where the finger joins the hand.

Knuckle (verb) means to rub or press (something, especially the eyes) with the knuckles.

knuckle down means to  begin to work hard at something or apply oneself seriously to a task. When you knuckle down, you really focus and get to work. 

at home

“If we just knuckle down today, we can finish up painting the kitchen.”

“ Please knuckle down and finish cleaning up your room so you can play with your friends tomorrow.”

“I have to knuckle down and address 100 New Year’s cards tonight so I can mail them in time for them to arrive on new year’s day!”

with friends

“It’s final exam week so I’ve got to knuckle down and finally start studying.”

“Sorry, I can’t talk now. I’ve got to knuckle down and do my homework.”

“I’m going to the library. Every time I try to knuckle down and study one of my flatmates interrupts me.”

at work

“Are you serious about finishing that ABC project by tomorrow? Then you’ll have to knuckle down for the rest of the day!”

“All right, quit joking around. We need to knuckle down and finish this report.”

on the news

The Biden administration appears to be playing at war rather than knuckling down and winning it. — Washington Examiner, 11 Jan. 2024 

But as the United Nations conference enters its second week and negotiators from 197 countries knuckle down to finalize a new agreement to tackle global warming, attendees were sharply divided over how much progress is being made. — New York Times, 8 Nov. 2021 

Conclusion: The ‘Knuckle Down’ Mindset

It is clear that determination and commitment are the keys for success whether in personal or professional life, not to mention academically! So let’s stay focus! Let’s embrace the ‘Knuckle Down’ Mindset.

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